Can I build over a public sewer?
Householders and developers planning to build close to or over a public sewer have to seek permission from the relevant sewerage company. Building close to or over a public sewer without having obtained formal approval is illegal. It may also jeopardise the future sale of your property.
Do you need permission to build over a drain?
Any drain that solely serves your own property will be classed as private. You can build over a private drain. Building control will inspect the pipework and approve the works as part of your extension.
Can you build over a sewer inspection chamber?
If you are intending to build over an inspection chamber, it is essential to check whether you have permission to do so – in many cases, it may be necessary to move the chamber or have the pipes diverted, or to change the building plans to maintain access to the existing manhole.
What is a build over sewer agreement?
A Build Over Agreement gives the Water Company assurance that the work to be carried out will not negatively affect the sewer below and it also ensures that the Water Company will still have sufficient access to the sewer so it can be repaired and maintained.
When did build over agreements come into force?
From October 2011 a law was passed that stated that all pre existing private sewers and all newly built sewers were to be automatically adopted by the water authority in the area where they are situated.
Can you build over a water pipe?
Building over water mains is not permitted because they need to be accessible for maintenance and repair, and because of the structural damage that a burst water main could cause.
Can you build an extension over water pipes?
Is a build over agreement required for a private sewer?
When is a Build Over Agreement needed? The water authority have a statutory right of access to public sewers and so nothing can be built over them unless the authority’s consent is first obtained, in the form of a “build over agreement”.
What happens if you dont get a build over agreement?
Without a build over agreement, your local council’s building control department might not sign off your Building Regulations completion certificate – and without this, you may have problems when trying to sell your property.
What if there is no build over agreement?
If you do not have a Build Over Agreement and you build on top of a public sewer or within 3 metres of that sewer then the water authority have the power to remove any structures that block access to the public sewer, and they are not liable for the damage caused.
Can I build over or near the public sewer?
If you are unable to comply with ALL of the criteria, you are required to make an application to build over or near to the public sewer. We will assess your proposals and enter into a Build Over Agreement with you, consenting to your building works, once the drawings are acceptable.
Do I need to consult Anglian Water about my proposal?
If your proposed works comply with ALL of the criteria, you will not be required to consult us regarding your proposals. If you are unsure whether your proposals comply with the criteria, you can submit a consultation to Anglian Water using our online portal InFlow.
Who is responsible for the sewers on my property?
Generally speaking, you are responsible for sewers on your property that serve only your property. Anglian Water is responsible for all other sewers, including any pipes you share with your neighbours and some surface water pipes, which take rainwater away from your home. I’ve found a public sewer – what happens now?
Where are the sewers in your home?
These sewers are often located within the boundaries of private properties and sometimes within the vicinity of buildings. If you are planning to improve your home by adding an extension, garage or new conservatory, then we may need to be involved and we would like to help.