How many episodes of Black Cat are there?
The series follows the legendary assassin Train Heartnet, known as Black Cat, who becomes a bounty hunter, dubbed Sweeper. Black Cat premiered in Japan on October 6, 2005, on Animax and Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), and aired for 24 episodes, ending on March 30, 2006.
When did Black Cat come out in Japan?
Black Cat premiered in Japan on October 6, 2005, on Animax and Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), and aired for 24 episodes, ending on March 30, 2006.
What is Black Cat anime about?
Black Cat is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Kentaro Yabuki. First announced in May 2005, it was produced by Gonzo with directed by Shin Itagaki. The series follows the legendary assassin Train Heartnet, known as Black Cat, who becomes a bounty hunter, dubbed Sweeper.
Who is the director of Black Cat?
First announced in May 2005, it was produced by Gonzo with directed by Shin Itagaki. The series follows the legendary assassin Train Heartnet, known as Black Cat, who becomes a bounty hunter, dubbed Sweeper.
What happens in the end of the Black Cat anime?
In the end, Train walks into the streets thinking of Saya, with a smile on his face. “Black Cat DVD” (in Japanese). Tokyo Broadcasting System. Retrieved October 6, 2009. “Black Cat Story” (in Japanese). Tokyo Broadcasting System. Retrieved October 11, 2009. ^ “Kentaro Yabuki”. Viz Media. Retrieved October 8, 2009. ^ “Black Cat Anime”.
Is the opening of Black Cat (2005) a good opening?
The opening is one of the best ever What is the English language plot outline for Black Cat (2005)?
What is the story of Black Cat and Vollfied?
Train Heartnet, an assassin known as the Black Cat, and a sweeper named Sven Vollfied pursue the same target without realizing it, the feared mobster and soon-to-be governor, Lib Tyrant. While Train has to do it per orders from his superior, Sven wants to earn the money from Tyrant’s bounty.