What does Demonstrability meaning?
capable of being demonstrated
1 : capable of being demonstrated. 2 : apparent, evident.
Why is it demonstrable and not Demonstratable?
This says that “demonstratable” is a variant of “demonstrable” that has been recorded in use, but that “demonstrable” is the generally accepted form. Whether or not you want to use the variant “demonstratable” is your own choice, and depends on your intended audience.
Is Demonstratable a word?
If you can demonstrate to me how something works, then it must be demonstrable. You might think that word should be “demonstratable,” but you’d be wrong — that word doesn’t exist.
How do you use demonstrable in a sentence?
Demonstrable in a Sentence ?
- Whether you believe in gravity or not is irrelevant, because the force is demonstrable and best shown by dropping anything, like an apple…or an apple iPhone.
- Though the company has demonstrable results to show the product works, many people still think it is a scam.
Is it demonstrable or demonstrative?
demonstrable, demonstrative – adjective It is plain and demonstrable, that much ale is not good for Yankee, and operates differently upon them from what it does upon a Briton; ale must be drank in a fog and a drizzle. Demonstrative: characterized or given to open expression of one’s emotions or attitudes.
What is the definition of YEET?
Yeet is a slang word that functions broadly with the meaning “to throw,” but is especially used to emphasize forcefulness and a lack of concern for the thing being thrown. (You don’t yeet something if you’re worried that it might break.)
What does Koenoekoe mean?
Meanings for Koenoekoe According to the book The Cay, it means Countryside.
Is Demonsterized a word?
As for people I don’t love, Thomas sits Katie down, grabs her hands in a way that screams “I studied a lot of heartfelt speeches,” and begins his very rehearsed speech about how his character and integrity’s been “demonsterized.” NOT A WORD!
Why does Jack say savvy?
In the film, main character Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) uses the question Savvy? to punctuate threats, jokes, and other swashbuckling statements. This savvy calls back to its roots for “do you understand?” with the sharp bark of a “Do you hear what I’m saying?”
What is demonstrative person?
People who are demonstrative easily and clearly show their emotions. A demonstrative person might shout “Hooray” and jump for joy at good news. A non-demonstrative person might feel no less excited, but refrain from demonstrating it. To demonstrate means to show, so think of demonstrative as showing.
What is called demonstrative?
Definition of demonstrative (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : demonstrating as real or true. b : characterized or established by demonstration. 2 grammar : pointing out the one referred to and distinguishing it from others of the same class (as in that in “that house”) demonstrative pronouns demonstrative adjectives.
What is a demonstrable product?
Final, demonstrable product, means a dissertation, a master’s thesis, a scholarly article (published or otherwise), presentation to professional group, or presentation to a school faculty.
What does deff mean?
Deff definition (Internet, slang) Alternative form of definitely. adverb.
Is pedagogically a word?
Meaning of pedagogically in English. in a way that relates to the methods and theory of teaching: The reforms are pedagogically questionable.