What is the hottest it has ever been in Mesa Arizona?
Temperature extremes | |
Hottest temperature | 122°F (50°C) on July 27,28, 1995 |
Coldest temperature | 20°F (- 7°C) on Jan 14,15,2007, Feb 3,4,2011, Jan 14,2013 |
Lowest maximum | 44°F (7°C) on Dec 23,2002, Feb 2,2011, Jan 14,2013 |
Highest minimum | 94°F (34°C) on July 22, 2006 |
What are the winters like in Mesa Arizona?
The cool season lasts for 3.2 months, from November 21 to February 27, with an average daily high temperature below 73°F. The coldest month of the year in Mesa is December, with an average low of 44°F and high of 66°F.
How warm is Mesa Arizona in December?
December Weather in Mesa Arizona, United States. Daily high temperatures decrease by 4°F, from 69°F to 65°F, rarely falling below 56°F or exceeding 77°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 65°F on December 26.
What is it like living in Mesa Arizona?
Mesa is one of the best cities to retire in because of many of the same reasons it draws snowbirds to the area—the amazing weather and active lifestyle you can have golfing, hiking, or horseback riding! Its close proximity to Phoenix also allows retirees to enjoy the big city but live more comfortably in the suburbs.
How far is Mesa Arizona from the Mexican border?
181 miles / 291 km
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Is Florida or Arizona hotter?
Already, Arizona is considered the hottest state in the U.S., and Phoenix the hottest city, with more than 140 days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit last year alone. In Florida, the combination of heat and humidity makes it one of the nation’s most dangerous places, according to a recent study.
What is the nicest area of Mesa?
Las Sendas – The most upscale master-planned community in Mesa is Las Sendas, which encompasses 1800 acres. The community features million dollar homes with spectacular views of the Superstition Mountains and dedicated open spaces.
What is the best area to live in Mesa Arizona?
- Eastmark | Arizona’s Best Master-Planned Community.
- Las Sendas | A Golfer’s Dream Neighborhood in Mesa.
- Red Mountain Ranch | Great Area for Local Parks.
- Alta Mesa | One of the Safest Mesa Neighborhoods.
- Dobson Ranch | Among the Biggest Neighborhoods in Mesa.
- The Groves | Plenty of Access to Local Amenities.