Which bean is used to database transaction?
You can use bean-managed transactions with session or message-driven beans, but an entity bean must use container-managed transactions. There are two types of bean-managed transactions: JDBC type—You delimit JDBC transactions with the commit and rollback methods of the connection interface.
How would you check the condition of the current transaction in a bean managed transaction?
You probably know that if you use BMT (Bean Managed Transactions) you can get information about current transaction status by using UserTransaction interface (which implementation can be fetched either by JNDI or using dependency injection) and executing it’s getStatus() method.
What is transaction attributes in ejb?
Transaction attributes are specified by decorating the enterprise bean class or method with a javax. ejb. TransactionAttribute annotation and setting it to one of the javax. ejb.
What is Bean managed transaction?
In a bean-managed transaction, the code in the session or message-driven bean explicitly marks the boundaries of the transaction. An entity bean cannot have bean-managed transactions; it must use container-managed transactions instead.
What is transaction attributes in EJB?
What is container managed transaction?
In an enterprise bean with container-managed transaction demarcation, the EJB container sets the boundaries of the transactions. You can use container-managed transactions with any type of enterprise bean: session, or message-driven.
What is a container managed bean?
Which three items are transaction management system?
IBM created two distinct types of transaction processors to meet these needs; the Customer Information Control System (CICS) and Information Management Systems/Transaction Manager (IMS/TM). To manage, protect and organize data, Information Management System/Database (IMS/DB) and DB2 were born.
What is the difference between Bean Managed Transactions and EJB containers?
Container Managed Transactions − In this type, the container manages the transaction states. Bean Managed Transactions − In this type, the developer manages the life cycle of transaction states. EJB 3.0 has specified following attributes of transactions, which EJB containers implement −
What is the difference between transactionmanagementtype container and Bean?
TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER: container-managed transactions (default). TransactionManagementType.BEAN: bean-managed transactions. You apply the @TransactionManagement annotation at the class level. Example 21-1 Configuring Transaction Management for an EJB 3.0 Session Bean
What is @transactionmanagementtype Bean in Salesforce?
TransactionManagementType.BEAN: bean-managed transactions. You apply the @TransactionManagement annotation at the class level. Example 21-1 Configuring Transaction Management for an EJB 3.0 Session Bean
What is an EJB container server?
EJB Container/Servers are transaction servers and handles transactions context propagation and distributed transactions. Transactions can be managed by the container or by custom code handling in bean’s code.