How do i find divorce records in El Paso Texas?
Call 546-2000 in advance to have your file waiting for you, or e-mail your request to [email protected] .
What court district is El Paso in?
The United States District Court for the Western District of Texas has jurisdiction in El Paso County. Appeals from the Western District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
Who is the district clerk for El Paso?
Norma Favela Barceleau
Norma Favela Barceleau has been a dedicated public servant for more than 32 years with the County of El Paso.
Are court records public Texas?
In the case of a court with one judge, the records custodian is the judge of the court. Judicial records are open to the public unless exempt from disclosure, and where a respondent does not raise exemptions and the special committee cannot conclude any apply the records must be released.
What cases go to county court?
The County Court deals with civil (non-criminal) matters. Unlike criminal cases – in which the state prosecutes an individual – civil court cases arise where an individual or a business believes their rights have been infringed.
Is District Court Western District of Texas?
The United States District Court For the Western District Of Texas is a United States district court with jurisdiction over the counties in the western part of the State of Texas. This district covers over 92,000 square miles and seven divisions. It is one of 94 United States district courts.
Which type of case is most common in Texas?
Although drug problems are common throughout the United States, it is the most common offense in the state of Texas. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, drug arrests in Texas rack up the most arrests in the state.
Are court records public in El Paso County Texas?
El Paso County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in El Paso County, Texas. Courts in El Paso County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals.
How do I request a video hearing in El Paso County?
Residents scheduled for court may email their Full Name, Date of Birth, Citation Number, and Telephone Number to [email protected] at least one (1) business day before the scheduled hearing to receive the hearing link.
How does the El Paso municipal court work?
The El Paso Municipal Court is a court of record which handles Class C misdemeanors and civil parking citations issued within the city limits. The El Paso Municipal Court of Appeals hears appeals filed from the El Paso Municipal Courts.
When do foreclosure foreclosures move to El Paso County?
Foreclosures – Public Sales of Real Property relocated to El Paso County Coliseum every 1st Tuesday of the month beginning February 2021 until changed by the Commissioners Court. Note: The County Clerk’s office is a recording agency only.