How do you use wheedle in a sentence?
He wheedled quite a bit of money from her. She pleaded and wheedled, but I wouldn’t be swayed. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘wheedle.
What is the synonym of wheedle?
Some common synonyms of wheedle are blandish, cajole, coax, and soft-soap. While all these words mean “to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions,” wheedle suggests more strongly than cajole the use of seductive appeal or artful words in persuading.
Is suade a word?
Suade definition (obsolete) To persuade.
What part of speech is wheedle?
verb (used without object), whee·dled, whee·dling. to use beguiling or artful persuasions: I always wheedle if I really need something.
What is a antonym for wheedle?
Antonyms. dissuade talk out of ride unfashionable disparage bad deter. palaver persuade sweet-talk coax inveigle.
What is the opposite of wheedling?
What is the meaning of wearisome in Urdu?
Wearisome Meaning in English to Urdu is اجیرن, as written in Urdu and Ajeeran, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Wearisome which include Boring, Dull, Laborious, Strenuous, Tedious, Tiresome, Toilsome, etc.
How do you spell Suade?
suade – definition and meaning.
How would you describe suede?
Suede is a high-quality form of leather, made from the underside of the animal hide. It’s characterized by a soft smooth surface, and it is popular for fashion items, like shoes, accessories, and jackets.
How do you play wheedle?
The game operates identically to its inspiration—guess a five-letter word and you’ll receive feedback through little coloured squares as to whether the letter is correct and in the right place, correct but in the wrong place or not in the word at all.
What is a synonym for Clabber?
Words related to clabber congeal, curdle, thicken, clot, condense, swell, acerbate, acidify, acidulate, coagulate, ferment, spoil, turn, coalesce, gel, gelatinize, jell, jellify, jelly, lopper.
What is the opposite of academically inclined?
Opposite of adverb for intellectual or scholarly in manner or approach. ignorantly. uneducatedly. unlearnedly. untutoredly.
Is Swade a word?
No, swade is not in the scrabble dictionary.
Is suede a adjective?
Suede can be a noun or an adjective.