What is the meaning of Retrorse?
bent backward or downward
Definition of retrorse : bent backward or downward.
What is Decurved bill?
A decurved bill is one that curves downward. The creepers are one type of bird that have this type of beak. The curve helps them pulls insects out of the bark of trees.
Is familial an adjective?
FAMILIAL (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.
Who has short beak?
Short stout cone shaped beak is an adaptation to help crack nuts and seeds. For example the sparrows and finches have this type of beaks to crack the nuts. The hawk also has short beak but their upper beak is a hook type to tear flesh.
Why do curlews have long beaks?
In the winter, curlews gather in large flocks (often several hundred) along muddy coasts and estuaries, as well as on rocky shores, coastal wetlands and inland lakeshores. This is when that long beak really comes into its own, allowing curlews to delve deep into the mud for worms and other tasty minibeasts.
What does familial mean?
Definition of familial 1 : tending to occur in more members of a family than expected by chance alone a familial disorder. 2 : of, relating to, or suggestive of a family has familial ties to the area a familial atmosphere.
Why do curlews cry?
During breeding season, the bush stone-curlew will become particularly territorial, even with its own kind, and will try to ward off its competition with that powerful cry. It will also puff up its chest and spread its wings in an aggressive display to appear larger and more formidable.
Does familial mean family?
Familial means relating to families in general, or typical of a family.
What do familial means?
What is a strainer beak?
Next is the strainer beak, which is most commonly found on waterfowl like ducks. They use it to filter insects and algae out of the water and into their mouths. It is long, wide, and rather easy to identify. Spear beaks are found mostly on herons, egrets, and kingfishers.
What is a familial trait?
(fuh-MIH-lee-ul) A phenotype or trait that occurs with greater frequency in a given family than in the general population; familial traits may have a genetic and/or nongenetic etiology.
What does decurved mean in the Dictionary?
Also found in: Thesaurus . (Biology) bent or curved downwards: a decurved bill; decurved petals. curved downward. Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.
What is the difference between decurved and retrorse?
decurved – bent down or curved downward; “the decurved bill of a curlew”. retrorse – bent or curved backward or downward; “leaves with retrorse barbs”.
What is a decurved petal?
(Biology) bent or curved downwards: a decurved bill; decurved petals. curved downward. Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.