What does floss mean in rap?
The slang terms “Floss”, “Flossing” (also sometimes spelled “Flossin’”), “Flossed” are verbs which were popularized in rap music to reference showing off or boasting expensive things. To floss is to show off or brag, similar to “flex”. Flossing is to be showing off or bragging.
What is a seven thirty?
crazy, mad, insane. That guys gone seven thirty! See more words with the same meaning: crazy, insane, weird, strange. See more words with the same meaning: to act wild, strange, crazy.
What does 2222 mean?
The number 2222 is a representation of harmony and serenity. The angels are trying to tell you that you must achieve some sort of equilibrium in your life. Angel number 2222 is a warning to slow down and take some time for yourself if you’ve been feeling rushed lately.
What does 224 mean urban dictionary?
224 means “Today, Tomorrow, Forever.” The number 224 is a cyber term used in text speak to express permanency in a romantic context.
What does wanna floss mean?
to relax; “chill”; “hang out”. We were just flossin’ at her house. See more words with the same meaning: to hang out, relax.
What does thirsty mean slang?
Urban Dictionary defines thirsty as “too eager to get something; desperate.” This desperation could be in reference to anything — compliments, validation, attention — but it is most frequently used to specifically mean desperate for sex.
What does dripping sauce mean in slang?
You’re cool. You’re on point. You’ve got the sauce. You’re, you know, [insert “awesome” slang term here]. Drip appears to be a metaphor: You’re dripping with money, designer clothes, or confidence.
What does flossin mean in slang?
When someone says that a person is flossin, they mean that there being showy, or showing off the expensive merchandise they have. Another way of putting it is that a person has a lot of money and waves it in other peoples faces.