What does scour through mean?
1 : to move about quickly especially in search. 2 : to go through or range over in or as if in a search. Examples: The dog scoured the terrain in search of the tennis ball I had thrown.
What is the synonym of Scour?
rifle, rummage, search, sort (through), troll.
What is scouring in one sentence?
the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and water. 1 He had been scouring the papers for weeks, looking for a job. 2 The police are scouring the countryside for the escaped prisoners. 3 Ada was scouring out the pans.
What does scour mean in cooking?
to remove dirt, grease, etc., from or to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing, as with a rough or abrasive material: to scour pots and pans. to remove (dirt, grease, etc.) from something by hard rubbing: to scour grease from pots and pans.
What does scouring action mean?
In a drain pipe, the lifting or scrubbing of loose particles (including sand, grit, and small pebbles) from the interior surface of the pipe and carrying them downstream. To achieve this action, sufficient flow velocity is required.
What is the opposite of Scour?
Opposite of clean, polish thoroughly. dirty. ignore. overlook.
Is Scower a word?
Scower definition (obsolete) Alternative form of scour.
Does scouring meaning searching?
to search a place or thing very carefully in order to try to find something: The police are scouring the area for the missing child.
Does scouring mean searching?
scour verb (SEARCH) to search a place or thing very carefully in order to try to find something: The police are scouring the area for the missing child.
What is the process of scouring?
Scouring treatment Scouring is the process of cleaning wool that makes it free from grease, perspiration residue ( “suint”), dead skin and dirt and vegetable matter present as impurities in the wool.
How do you scour?
- Mix Washing Soda with Water – measure appr. 2 Tablespoons of Washing Soda per each gallon of water that you will use.*
- Bring the Water to a Boil – place the fabric in the water and push it down to submerge.
- Rinse the Fabric – turn off the burner and allow the water to cool.
What is meaning of petered?
: to gradually become smaller, weaker, or less before stopping or ending Their romantic relationship petered out after the summer. Interest in the sport is beginning to peter out.
What is scouring and silting?
Hydrodynamic scour is the removal of sediment such as silt, sand and gravel from around the base of obstructions to the flow in the sea, rivers and canals. Scour, caused by fast flowing water, can carve out scour holes, compromising the integrity of a structure.
What is the synonym of searching?
In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for searching, like: hunting, in search of, seeking, exploring, examining, scouring, rummaging, ransacking, combing, looking-for and inquisitory.
How do you pronounce scourer?
Break ‘scourer’ down into sounds: [SKOW] + [RUH] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
How can you use Scour in a sentence?
Scour in a Sentence ?
- My mother made us scour the bathroom before our guests arrived.
- After I spilled ketchup on my white shirt, I took it to the bathroom to scour it with cold water.
- Our punishment was to scour the graffiti off of school property.
Why do we do scouring?
Scouring removes soluble and insoluble impurities found in textiles as natural, added and adventitious impurities, for example, oils, waxes, fats, vegetable matter, as well as dirt.
What is the origin of scour?
One means to clean something by rubbing it hard with a rough object; that scour, which goes back to at least the early 14th century, probably derives—via Middle Dutch and Old French—from a Late Latin verb, excurare, meaning “to clean off.” The other, which appears in the 13th century, is believed to derive from the Old Norse skūr, meaning “shower.”
What does it mean to scour a sink?
[VERB noun + for] If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough . He decided to scour the sink.
What is the meaning of scouring?
to look through (as a place) carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something the police scoured the city for the Typhoid Mary of this latest epidemic
What does it mean to scour a directory for clues?
We scoured the telephone directory for clues. [VERB noun + for] If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough . He decided to scour the sink. [VERB noun] COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Collins! Collins! 1. 2. 8. 9. 10.