How do you use counsel in a sentence?
How to use Counsel in a sentence
- This is a counsel of despair.
- This person needs the counsel of a psychiatrist.
- I’m a scientist and if I don’t know an answer, I seek counsel from sharper brains.
What is an example of counsel?
The definition of counsel is advice given or an exchange of ideas or opinions. An example of counsel is someone going to their mother for advice. (archaic) Wisdom or judgment.
How do you use counsel?
Counsel can be used as a verb or a noun, whereas council and consul are nouns. Counsel as a verb means to advise; as a noun, it means the person doing the advising (such as an attorney) or the advice itself. Less commonly, counsel means guarded thoughts or advice.
How do you use council and counsel in a sentence?
Council vs. Counsel: Sentences With Both Words
- The city council members consulted with legal counsel regarding the new zoning regulations.
- The alumni council hired a fundraising firm to counsel them on how to implement a new endowment.
What means of counsel?
What is an “Of Counsel” Attorney, Anyway? The generally understood meaning of this term is a lawyer who is not a partner, associate, shareholder, or member of a firm, but who has some sort of a close and continuing relationship with the firm.
How do you use consul in a sentence?
Consul in a Sentence ?
- The diplomat will work as his nation’s consul by supporting the concerns of his homeland while residing abroad.
- The Chinese consul made regular visits to check on his country’s citizens who lived in San Francisco’s Chinatown.
What is the difference between counsel and counsel?
Council is the word for an advisory group or meeting; counsel is the word for advice, an individual giving advice or guidance, or the verb indicating such action. There is not a tried-and-true mnemonic to differentiate these words.
What it means to counsel someone?
verb. counseled or counselled; counseling or counselling. Kids Definition of counsel (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : to give advice to : advise She counseled him to study harder. 2 : to suggest or recommend The doctor counseled rest.
What does having a counsel mean?
As a noun, counsel is a synonym for advice, but it can also mean the act of giving that advice or refer to a person who gives legal advice. In fact, a lawyer who goes to trial for you is your counsel. That lawyer would counsel you.
What is the difference between council and counsel?
What consul means?
Legal Definition of consul : an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country in order to represent the commercial interests of citizens of the appointing country. Other Words from consul.
What is a consul?
consul, in foreign service, a public officer who is commissioned by a state to reside in a foreign country for the purpose of fostering the commercial affairs of its citizens in that foreign country and performing such routine functions as issuing visas and renewing passports.
What does going to counsel mean?
1a : advice given especially as a result of consultation He was unwise to reject my counsel. b : a policy or plan of action or behavior. 2 : deliberation, consultation.
What is this word counsel?
Definition of counsel 1a : advice given especially as a result of consultation He was unwise to reject my counsel. b : a policy or plan of action or behavior. 2 : deliberation, consultation.
Which is correct counsel or council?
What is the difference of council and counsel?
Their meanings are similar due to having both words deal with giving advice. Council is used for a group of people who are assembled for some specific purpose. It means to discuss something or arrive at a certain decision. On the other hand to counsel means giving guidance to some person.
What is an example of consul?
Consul definition The definition of a consul is a person who is appointed by a government to serve the citizens of that country in a foreign city. An example of a consul is a United States official helping American citizens in Istanbul.
What consul is used for?
Consul is a multi-networking tool that offers a fully-featured service mesh solution that solves the networking and security challenges of operating microservices and cloud infrastructure. Consul offers a software-driven approach to routing and segmentation.