What are the different classes in motorcycle drag racing?
The four Professional categories are Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock, and Pro Stock Motorcycle. They, along with Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car, the three “Super” classes – Super Comp, Super Gas, and Super Street – and Pro Mod feature a single class of vehicle in heads-up competition.
What does et stand for in drag racing?
Elapsed time: The time it takes a vehicle to travel from the starting line to the finish line. Also called e.t. Eliminations: After qualifying, vehicles race two at a time, resulting in one winner from each pair. Winners continue in tournament-style competition until one remains.
What is the fastest Top Fuel drag bike?
1. Larry ‘Spiderman’ McBride’s Top Fuel Drag Bike – 5.61 seconds per quarter mile.
What does Tree mean in drag racing?
The starting line light fixture
You could also say: ‘Tree. Definition: The starting line light fixture that lets racers know when the car is properly positioned for a start and when to start. Trees often have the following bulbs: Pre-staged and staged (yellow), countdown (three amber bulbs), start (green bulb), and foul start (red bulb).
What is red light in drag racing?
Also known as a red-light. When a vehicle leaves the starting line before the green light, indicated by the red light on the Tree. When a foul start occurs in eliminations, the racer is eliminated from further competition at the event (unless his or her opponent commits a worse infraction).
What’s the name of the dragbike builder with a garage sale?
Kosman Specialties, the world-renowned dragbike chassis builder for over 30 years, is having a garage sale. We are cleaning out our attic and storage rooms and have come up with all manner of motorcycle components that have to go.
What are some of the best old school drag bikes?
Old School KZ Kawasaki Drag bike. Stock KZ1000 motor with a MRE lockup clutch, stock carbs, Dyna S ignition, Dyna shift Minder, and onboard starter…. 2006 Harley Davidson Vrod Destroyer. Custom Paint, Bored to 1370cc. 20 passes on motor.
Are there any mini bike kits made in the USA?
Complete Minibike kits Made in The USA. Minibike Parts, Complete Barstool racers DRAG MASTER PRO . MINI DRAG BIKE