What does it mean to disparage a company?
Disparage means making comments or statements to the press, the Company’s or its subsidiaries’ or affiliates’ employees or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates has a business relationship which would adversely affect in any manner (1) the business of the Company or its …
What is another word for disparagement?
Some common synonyms of disparage are belittle, decry, and depreciate. While all these words mean “to express a low opinion of,” disparage implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison.
Is it illegal to disparage a company?
Business and commercial disparagement, also referred to as trade libel, is a civil cause of action under California tort law. The law states that businesses may sue people, or other business entities, for making false, negative and malicious statements about the business that cause financial harm.
Are disparagement clauses enforceable?
Non-disparagement clauses are enforceable in specific situations and according to the laws in your state. They are only illegal if they are unduly burdensome or overarching, especially within the context of employment law.
What is the tort of disparagement?
The tort of commercial disparagement, also called business disparagement, occurs when derogatory statements are made about a person’s business or a person’s title to his or her property with the purpose of discouraging others from dealing with the person.
Is disparagement a tort?
Commercial disparagement is a type of tort that is exclusive to businesses, while a defamation claim can be filed by anyone. In addition, a commercial disparagement claim is seen more as protecting the property rights of a business as opposed to its reputation.
What does disparage mean in simple terms?
disparage \dih-SPAIR-ij\ verb. 1 : to depreciate by indirect means (such as invidious comparison) : to speak slightingly about. 2 : to lower in rank or reputation : degrade.
What is a disparaging remark?
Definition of disparaging : meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or something : serving or intended to disparage someone or something a disparaging term/word … disparaging comments from ordinarily sane and sympathetic critics …—
What is disparagement example?
Disparagement is defined as the act of making unflattering statements against someone or something. An example of disparagement is what a wife says about her husband during a nasty divorce. noun. 2. 1.
What is the difference between defamation and disparagement?
3. “Defamation” will be used to describe false communications which damage or tend to damage the reputation of the plaintiff. “Disparagement” or “product disparage- ment” will be used to describe false communications which damage or tend to damage the reputation as to quality of goods or services.
What does it mean to disparage something?
Definition of disparage transitive verb. 1 : to depreciate (see depreciate sense 1) by indirect means (such as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about religious beliefs disparaged as superstition. 2 : to lower in rank or reputation : degrade.
What does it mean to disparage someone?
Definition of disparaging : meant to belittle the value or importance of someone or something : serving or intended to disparage someone or something a disparaging term/word …
Is disparagement an intentional tort?
In fact, some types of disparagement (e.g., a false claim of a felony charge) would be damaging towards the victim. Usually, the defendant must have intended the defamatory publication since libel and slander are intentional torts.
What is the legal definition of disparage?
Legal Definition of disparagement. 1 : the publication of false and injurious statements that are derogatory of another’s property, business, or product. — called also business disparagement, commercial disparagement, disparagement of property, slander of goods, trade libel. 2 : slander of title.
What does the name disparaging mean?
Overall, the word disparaging is an adjective that can refer to derogatory remarks or anything with a rude connotation. Many different things can be disparaging, from disparaging accounts, to a disparaging look. This word has a Latin root.
How to use “disparagement” in a sentence?
I do not disparage it.
What is the meaning of ‘disparaging’?
dis·par·age. (dĭ-spăr′ĭj) tr.v. dis·par·aged, dis·par·ag·ing, dis·par·ag·es. 1. To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way. 2. To reduce in esteem or rank. [Middle English disparagen, to degrade, from Old French desparager : des-, dis- + parage, high birth (from per, peer; see peer2 ).] dis·par′age·ment n.