What sizes does cedar siding come in?
Cedar Siding is often sold by the linear (or lineal) foot in 6″, 8″ and sometimes 10″ and 12″ widths.
Is Western Red Cedar good for siding?
Natural Insulator Western Red Cedar is a natural thermal insulator, helping lower energy costs by keeping heat inside and cold outside. It’s also a great natural sound barrier, which is just another reason it’s an ideal interior or exterior siding option.
What is the best grade of Western Red Cedar?
No 2 & Better – The grade generally assigned for Western Red Cedar timbers and beams when the finest quality rough lumber is desired. The Cedar lumber is sound, well manufactured, and its characteristics do not detract from the wood’s fine appearance.
What are the different grades of cedar siding?
Appearance grades use letters A through D, with A being the highest grade. There are also two other terms under appearance grade Cedar: Clear and Knotty or STK. Clear Cedar refers to A & Better Cedar and is free of almost all knots, but it isn’t 100% free of knots.
Are there different types of cedar siding?
We offer cedar siding in a variety of siding profiles such as tongue and groove, channel rustic, plain and rabbeted bevel, board and batten, also cedar shakes and shingles, trim boards and more.
How long does Western Red Cedar siding last?
Longevity Cedar siding must be properly maintained at all times to reach its maximum lifespan, with many planks needing to be replaced after just 10 to 15 years, and even well-maintained cedar siding may only last around 20 to 30 years in some climates.
Should cedar siding be sealed?
Cedar is a natural light, weather, decay, and insect-resistant material. While cedar stands up to the elements fairly well on its own, putting a seal or a coat of paint on it can enhance the color and protect the wood from inclement weather. Left unstained, cedar’s red hue will fade to gray within about a year.
What is the difference between Eastern red cedar and Western Red Cedar?
The eastern red cedar, a juniper, is common among wide swaths of the United States plains and east coast, with alternate leaves and double toothed. The western red cedar, also known as the giant cedar, is common in the western United States and has green foliage sprays is small scale-like leaves.
How do you specify Western Red Cedar?
Insist on Western Red Cedar and include its Latin name, Thuja Plicata in your specification. The exterior finish of a building is the face it presents to the world; it defines the mood and character of the structure and reflects the image desired by its designers, builders or owners.
How long does Western red cedar siding last?
Should you seal cedar siding?
Does western red cedar turn GREY?
Left untreated, your Western Red Cedar (or Alaskan Yellow Cedar) will naturally weather to a silvery grey. Especially in coastal areas where a “beachy” look is desired or by those concerned with applying finishes, this is a beautiful, natural choice.
How long does western red cedar last?
It’s a durable wood that is naturally resistant to rot, decay and insect attacks, and resists moisture absorption, so it tends to last longer, needs less maintenance, and doesn’t warp or split as easily. A cedar deck can last for 15-20 years or more, depending on maintenance and environment.
How big does a Western Red Cedar get?
about 200 feet
Western red cedar (Thuja plicata). Western red cedar trees and shrubs are pyramidal in form. The trees may grow up to 60 metres (about 200 feet) tall and 6 metres in circumference, measured above the strongly buttressed base.
What is the look of red cedar siding?
Traditionally the look is a series of wide vertical boards spaced to put the battens to cover the joints. The reversed look with the battens down first and boards installed over, creates a very deep channel look. CedarWoodSiding sells Western Red Cedar mill direct to homeowners, builders, architects, designers and developers.
Why Real cedar siding?
Why Real Cedar Siding? When you’re deciding on siding, there are many factors to consider – aesthetics (colors and styles), value, durability, versatility and environmental sustainability. Now, many plastic and fibre cement imitators, including vinyl siding; may claim to rank high in all these categories.
Can you save money with cedar siding?
That’s the sound of money you can save with Real Cedar siding. Not only does it cost less up front than composite materials, but thanks to its low density, Western Red Cedar is a natural thermal insulator. So if you want siding that doesn’t just look great, but also keeps your heating and AC bills down, the choice is clear.
Why choose western red cedar?
Western Red Cedar is naturally resistant to rot, decay and insect attacks. Which makes it incredibly low maintenance whereas the so-called “low maintenance” composite materials require more upkeep because they don’t have any natural defenses against things like mildew.