What are periodontal maintenance procedures?
When you go for periodontal maintenance, the hygienist will remove tartar just like with a regular cleaning. They’ll get in between your teeth and down to your gums. This is known as scaling and root planing. In addition, they’ll examine the pockets of your gums.
Why is periodontal maintenance important?
Periodontal maintenance refers to a procedure carried out to clean your teeth thoroughly. Maintenance is crucial as it prevents periodontal disease from spreading. Bacteria produced by plaque may colonize on the gum tissue resulting in gingivitis and periodontal disease.
What is periodontics SPT?
Following completion of treatment and arrest of inflammation, supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) is employed to reduce the probability of re‐infection and progression of the disease; to maintain teeth without pain, excessive mobility or persistent infection in the long term, and to prevent related oral diseases.
Why is perio maintenance every 3 months?
Periodontal maintenance takes place within three months because that is the estimated time for the bacteria to reproduce and affect the teeth and gums. These bacteria will multiply so constant maintenance visits are necessary to prevent their growth.
How long is periodontal maintenance?
Periodontal maintenance is therapeutic in nature and includes “removal of bacterial plaque and calculus from supragingival and subgingival regions, site specific scaling and root planing where indicated, and polishing the teeth.” Periodontal maintenance should always follow definitive periodontal therapy for a period …
How often should you have periodontal maintenance?
Once your periodontal treatment has been completed, your dentist and dental hygienist will recommend that you have regular maintenance cleanings (periodontal cleanings), usually four times a year. At these cleaning appointments, the pocket depths will be carefully checked to ensure that they are healthy.
What is the difference between a prophylaxis and periodontal maintenance?
While standard prophylaxis cleans the crowns of your teeth above your gumline, periodontal maintenance goes a little deeper, slightly below the gumline, since you are more susceptible to plaque and tartar buildup based on your past history of gum disease.
What is the difference between periodontal maintenance and prophylaxis?
What is a Gracey 5/6 used for?
Area specific curettes for the removal of deep subgingival calculus. These area-specific curettes are for removing deep subgingival calculus and for finishing subgingival root surfaces.
What is the difference between SRP and perio maintenance?