What is a GPON system?
Gigabit Passive Optical Networks is a fiber optic technology (GPON Technology) that allows a higher speed of transmission and reception of data through a single fiber. With a point-to-multipoint architecture, it will enable optical fiber to the home, or a building.
What is GPON and how does it work?
GPON is a river of light A laser in the OLT injects the photons from the central office to a fibre-optic cable made of glass and plastic that ends at a passive optical splitter. The splitter breaks the single signal from the central office into numerous signals that may eventually be distributed to up to 64 customers.
What is a fiber GPON?
GPON is a telecommunications access technology that uses fiber-optic cabling to reach the user. This fiber optic technology provides faster data transmission and reception through a single fiber, with a point-to-multipoint architecture, which allows home optical fiber (FTTH), or a building (FTTB).
Is GPON a router?
A GPON router is a type of optical network device that is used to provide short haul fiber connections for cellular base stations, home access points and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS). Over a million users worldwide use GPONs.
How do I connect my GPON to my router?
Just connect them with a LAN cable. Do not configure ADSL or WAN in your ADSL router, but turn off DHCP. It should ideally work – you can use the remaining 3 ethernet port as well as wireless to connect devices. All of them would be listed on your GPON router as network clients.
What wavelength does GPON use?
GPON uses optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) so a single fiber can be used for both downstream and upstream data. A laser on a wavelength (λ) of 1490 nm transmits downstream data. Upstream data transmits on a wavelength of 1310 nm. If TV is being distributed, a wavelength of 1550 nm is used.
What is the difference between ONT and router?
A router provides a switching station for computer networks. It’s similar to a rail yard with multiple branches that condense into one. An optical network terminal (ONT) is like a modem, but for fibre-optic networks.
What does FTTH mean?
Fiber to the Home
FTTH includes fiber-optic access solutions designed for residential deployments. In FTTH networks, fibers are directly connected to individual homes or multitenant buildings. FTTH includes various flavors of both PONs and PTP Ethernet-based solutions.
What FTTx means?
Fiber to the x
Fiber to the x (FTTx) is a collective term for various optical fiber delivery topologies that are categorized according to where the fiber terminates.
What is a GPON network?
A GPON network is capable of transmitting ethernet, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) as well as ATM traffic. A GPON network consists of OLT (Optical Line Terminals), ONU (Optical Network Unit), and a splitter.
What should I know about GPON before using it?
If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command. GPON is an alternative to Ethernet switching in campus networking. GPON replaces the traditional three-tier Ethernet design with a two-tier optic network by eliminating access and distribution Ethernet switches with passive optical devices.
What is the catalyst GPON platform?
Cisco is introducing GPON with the Catalyst GPON platform. Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) – Standard for passive optical networks (PON) published by the ITU-T Optical Distribution Network (ODN) – The physical fibre and optical devices that distribute signals to users in a telecommunications network.
What is ont in GPON?
Optical Network Termination (ONT) /Optical Network Units (ONU) – Connects end-user devices (desktop, phones, etc) into the GPON network. Provides the optical to electrical signal conversion. ONTs also provide AES encryption via ONT key.