What is barrage short answer?
1 : a heavy and continuous firing of weapons during a battle. 2 : a great amount of something that comes quickly and continuously a barrage of commercials.
What does the barrage do?
A barrage is a type of low-head, diversion dam which consists of a number of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount of water passing through. This allows the structure to regulate and stabilize river water elevation upstream for use in irrigation and other systems.
Why is barrage important?
Unlike a dam, which will raise waters nearly to its height, a barrage will only raise the water level by a few feet. This is also useful for navigation, because a barrage can increase the depth of a river by a few feet.
What is an example of barrage?
An example of a barrage is when 100 reporters all shoot questions at the president at the same time. An example of barrage is a large amount of gunfire with the purpose of keeping the enemy forces from moving forward.
How much is the barrage?
The Barrage can be purchased in GTA Online from Warstock Cache & Carry for a price of $2,121,350.
How do you use barrage?
Barrage in a Sentence ?
- Even though Mrs.
- The attorney asked the reporters not to barrage his client with questions until he had made a statement.
- The company spent millions on advertising in the hope that customers would barrage their call center with hundreds of requests for the product.
What is the opposite of barrage?
Antonyms. defend angular square praise bottom top stay in place.
Can I sell my Barrage?
Yes, you can sell the Barrage at Los Santos Customs for a resale price of $1,272,810 (60% of the original purchase), plus 60% of the value of your upgrades.
Can I sell the Khanjali tank?
You can’t sell the tank or any military vehicle,aircraft from doomsday heist DLC.
What is another term for barrage?
In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for barrage, like: attack, blast, volley, torrent, onslaught, fire, plenty, bombardment, broadside, burst and cannonade.
How much is the Barrage?
You can buy the HVY Barrage at a cost of $ 1 595 000 – $ 2 121 350 at Warstock Cache & Carry. Your mechanic will deliver the HVY Barrage close to where you are by contacting him with your phone.
How do you steal a Barrage?
Go to the ambush point / Steal the Barrage After the Chopper with the Barrage has crashed, drive over to the crash site which is marked on your map and steal it.
Can you sell the avenger?
Nope, it’s like the MOC, once you buy it, you’re stuck with it.
Can the barrage be used in heists?
These can be brought into any heists. Thats all? Insurgent,insurgent pick-up,barrage,dune fav,technical custom,nightshark,half-track. Also the comet safari,savestra,viseris have a optional gun can play the heist as well.
Can you sell the barrage in GTA 5?