When can Waboku be activated?
TCG Rulings X-Saber Airbellum: This effect will only activate if you attack your opponent directly and successfully inflict damage. If your opponent took 0 damage because of “Waboku,” this effect will not activate.
Does Waboku negate the attack?
Waboku does not negate an attack. Face down creatures still flip face up. Flip effects are still activated. Mirror Force and Magic Cylinder can still be activated in response to an attack.
Is damage calculation part of damage step?
After both players have agreed that they have finished activating cards and effects in this part of the Damage Step, damage calculation is entered.
Can you use Book of Moon during damage step?
Mentions in Other Rulings During the Damage Step, in general, you cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards other than Counter Trap Cards and ATK/DEF-increasing/decreasing effects. Thus, you cannot activate “Book of Moon” nor “Raigeki Break”, but you can activate the Counter Trap “Divine Wrath” during the Damage Step.
Does Waboku stop destruction?
“Waboku” is a Trap Card that is flipped during your opponent’s Battle Phase to stop his attack and protect your monsters. No damage is taken by either player; no monsters are destroyed on either side.
How good is Waboku?
Waboku is very old, but still good, just perhaps not as relevant as it use to be. Many other Traps, and even Monsters, can do similar to what Waboku does (or slightly different, or better) but that doesn’t make Waboku bad. Protection is good. Not taking Damage is good, as is not having your Monsters be destroyed.
What is damage calculation?
Damage Calculation is the process of calculating the Damage done to Life Points from an attack and determining which monster(s) is to be destroyed (if any). When an Attack Position monster is destroyed, the damage inflicted is the difference of the attacking monster’s ATK minus the ATK of the other monster.
Does GORZ activate in damage step?
If Player A attacks directly with “X-Saber Airbellum” while Player B has “Gorz the Emissary of Darkness” in their hand, both effects can be activated during the Damage Step forming a Chain.
Can you activate blast with chain in the damage step?
If a monster attacks “Gearfried the Iron Knight”, and you activate “Blast with Chain” during the Damage Step, “Blast with Chain” is destroyed and gets its effect, so you can destroy the attacking monster before Damage Calculation.
How does Waboku work?
“Waboku” is a Trap Card that is flipped during your opponent’s Battle Phase to stop his attack and protect your monsters. No damage is taken by either player; no monsters are destroyed on either side. Face down monsters are flipped face up. This ends the Battle Phase when “Waboku” is flipped.
What does Waboku mean?
This card’s name is an untranslated part of its Japanese name, leaving its TCG to Japanese translation as “Harmony”.
Can you gamma in damage step?
As you’ve pointed out, Gamma Special Summons monsters, which historically you can’t do in the Damage Step (unless it has to happen in the Damage Step, see Mystic Tomato).
What is damage factor?
The damage factor D is a measurement of the degree of damage. According to Kachanov’s. definition [l], D = A0 – A/A,, where A0 is the initial area of the cross-section of the undamaged. material and d is the area of the cross-section of the damaged material.
How is stress damage calculated?
OrcaFlex uses these to calculate a damage value given by D(S)={1/N(S)if S>FL0if S≤FL(1) The damage value D can be thought of as the proportion of the fatigue life that is used up by one cycle of stress range S.
Can quick effects be activated in damage step?
Spell/Trap Cards and Quick/Quick-like Effects that directly alter the ATK/DEF of a monster(s) (increasing or decreasing ATK/DEF, changing ATK/DEF to a certain amount, switching ATK/DEF values, etc.) can be activated during the Damage Step, but only up until damage calculation.