Why wont my PS2 read blue discs?
The theory is that dust accumulation on the spindle causes slippage when spinning the blue discs, which either are thinner or spin faster than the DVD discs (silver games). I do think the grinding sound is just the disc spinning freely in the drive when it tries to start it.
How do you clean a PS2 disc reader?
Carefully wipe the lens in a circular motion with a rubbing alcohol damped Q-Tip. Do not over-dampen the Q-Tip with rubbing alcohol. Allow a few minutes for the rubbing alcohol to evaporate.
Why wont my PS2 read discs?
There are plenty of reasons why a PS2 would be unable to read a disk. Usually, it involves either the disk or reading laser inside the drive being dirty. Sometimes, the disk is damaged, and the data on it isn’t readable. Finally, in older devices, the laser may be weakening and about to fail.
How do you clean a PS2 disc?
Just rub some toothpaste into the disc using circular motions to remove the scratches. After rubbing the toothpaste in for about 10 minutes, wash the disc thoroughly with cold water. You can also rub some banana directly onto the disc in a circular motion for about 4 to 6 minutes. Then, wash the disc with cold water.
How do you clean a ps2 disc reader?
How do you fix a ps2 disc?
How do I get my PS2 disc to work again?
How do you clean a PS2 laser?
Using a clean cotton bud, dip it in the isopropanol and gently wipe the lens in one smooth sweeping and twisting movement. Inspect the lens again with the magnifier. It should appear completely clean.
How do I fix my PS2 read error?
Put the disk cover back on, put a game in and see if it works. If it doesn’t work, open it back up and move the gear a little more. Test both gold/silver games and blue games. If Your PS2 still doesnt work you should try cleaning the lens with a cotton swab.
How do I fix my PS2 disc reader?
If you’re having trouble seeing them, turn the disk sideways near a light source. If the disk is damaged, you can try a disk repair kit, to repair any damage and get the disk working again. If you didn’t see any obvious damage, try a different disk to see if it plays.
How do I fix my ps2 disc reader?
How do I get my ps2 disc to work again?
Why does my PS2 say disc Read Error?
How to fix disk read error on PS2?
How to Fix the PS2 “Disk Read Error” Step 1: Materals. Step 2: Unscrew the Bottom. Turn the PS2 upside down and use the flat headed screw driver to remove the tabs, there are… Step 3: Unscrew Disk Cover. Lift up the lid and unscrew the six screws holding the disk cover on. Make sure that your…
How to fix a PS2 that won’t turn on?
Make sure that your PS2 is unplugged to avoid risk of shock. Remove the disk cover and plug in the PS2. Press the open button and then unplug it. Find the little white gear and put a mark on it where it touches the smaller gold gear (so you can move it back if needed in the future).
How do you fix a broken PS2?
You can pay money to send it in to Sony HQ and have them fix it or you can just do what they do by yourself for free. Turn the PS2 upside down and use the flat headed screw driver to remove the tabs, there are 10 (only six are shown), and unscrew the screws, there are 10 (only six are shown).
How do I remove the disk cover on my PS2?
Lift up the lid and unscrew the six screws holding the disk cover on. Make sure that your PS2 is unplugged to avoid risk of shock.