What is a antonym for diversion?
Antonyms. sadness assembly discontinuation discontinuance activation sink source. deflection digression turn divagation deflexion.
What is the closest antonym to divert?
antonyms for divert
- straighten.
- anger.
- be direct.
- irritate.
- keep to.
- maintain.
- make mad.
- upset.
What is the synonym of diverting?
The words amuse and entertain are common synonyms of divert. While all three words mean “to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly,” divert implies distracting attention from worry or routine occupation especially by something funny.
What is a antonym for transmission?
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for transmission. censorship, suppression.
What is the synonym and antonym of faltered?
Some common synonyms of falter are hesitate, vacillate, and waver. While all these words mean “to show irresolution or uncertainty,” falter implies a wavering or stumbling and often connotes nervousness, lack of courage, or outright fear. never once faltered during her testimony.
What’s the meaning of Sidetrack?
If you are sidetracked by something, it makes you forget what you intended to do or say, and start instead doing or talking about a different thing.
What is the antonym and synonym of divert?
reroute, redirect, change the course of, draw away, turn aside, head off, deflect, avert, transfer, channel. 2’he diverted her from her studies’ distract, detract, sidetrack, lead away, draw away, be a distraction, put off, disturb someone’s concentration. focus.
What is an antonym for directing?
Near Antonyms for directing. canceling. (or cancelling), countermanding, rescinding.
Which is the closest antonym for the word imprudently?
antonyms for imprudent
- careful.
- cautious.
- kind.
- mindful.
- responsible.
- thoughtful.
- wise.
- discreet.
What is the synonym and antonym of transmit?
verb. ( trænzˈmɪt) Transfer to another. Antonyms. stay in place pull back disengage raise push wind. convey transfer pass along pass communicate.
What is the synonym of transmission?
transference, transferral, passing on, communication, conveyance, imparting, channelling, carrying, relaying, dispatch, mediation. dissemination, spreading, circulation, diffusion, emanation, scattering, radiation.
What is a antonym for the word falter?
Antonyms for falter. dive (in), plunge (in)
What is a synonym for sidetrack?
In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sidetrack, like: distract, siding, divert, digress, interrupt, carried-away, shut, mislead, path, track and (colloq.) switch off.
Is sidetracked a real word?
side·track v.tr. 1. To divert from a main issue or course: I was sidetracked from my work by an unexpected visitor. 2.
What is an antonym for showpiece?
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for showpiece. bomb, catastrophe, clunker, debacle.
What is the opposite of Meta?
Because meta- means transcending, encompassing, or ‘a superset of…’, then infra- would would be a proper antonym describing within, or ‘a subset of…’ If metadata is that data that describes the data within itself, then infradata should be that inferior data which is described.
What is the synonym of directed?
channeled. (or channelled), channelized, conducted, funneled.
What is the meaning of tacts?
Definition of tact 1 : a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense. 2 : sensitive mental or aesthetic perception converted the novel into a play with remarkable skill and tact.
How to pronounce divert?
divert pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to pronounce the word sentir in Portuguese? SAVN-teehr
How do you use divert in a sentence?
to shift from one thing or another or to distract someone I decided to divert the conversation away from the topic of politics. The thieves knew to divert the shopkeeper’s attention so they could steal the items. I had to keep their attention because they continued to divert from the task at hand.
What is the meaning of divert?
di·vert. (dĭ-vûrt′, dī-) v. di·vert·ed, di·vert·ing, di·verts. v.tr. 1. To turn aside from a course or direction: Traffic was diverted around the scene of the accident. 2. To distract: My attention was diverted by an argument between motorists. 3.
What is the antonym of diversity?
Synonyms for DIVERSITY: assortment, diverseness, heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, manifoldness, miscellaneousness, multifariousness, multiplicity; Antonyms for DIVERSITY: alikeness, analogousness, analogy, community, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity