How does TC TonePrint work?
A TonePrint is a unique signature preset of an effect that’s build from the ground up by an artist to suit his or her needs, or – made by you to finally nail that sound in the back of your mind that’s been eluding you forever.
How does TonePrint beam work?
TonePrint App Beams Settings To Guitar Pedals Through Your Guitar’s Pickups. The new TonePrint app lets you download guitar-pedal presets to your iPhone and then squirt them into your actual pedal via the pickup of your guitar.
Is TC Electronic Flashback analog?
A: With many digital effects pedals, the incoming analog signal from the guitar or other instrument is converted to digital, processing is added, then both the dry and the wet digital signals are converted back to analog to be sent out to your amp or other effects boxes.
How do I download TonePrints?
If you own an Android phone, you will find the TonePrint app on Google Play. Once you have the app, no additional downloads or in-app purchases are required. You can ac- cess all available TonePrints from within the app, and all TonePrints are free. browse TonePrints by Artist or Product (i.e., pedal type).
How good is the TC toneprint reverb pedal?
With the toneprint facility, you do have the ability to load up any of the “Hall of Fame” reverbs from the TC app, which does allow more for a more conventional reverb sound on your pedal, if needed. I do own other reverb pedals and I use this one for very specific purposes. It’s very useful for creating big washes of sound from my synths.
What can I control with the toneprint app?
Every aspect of the pedal is adjustable with the totally free TonePrint app: What parameters to control or how many, the EQ curve of the signal, and a chest of hidden tone treasures hiding just below the simple exterior.
What is a toneprint?
What’s TonePrint? A TonePrint is a unique signature preset of an effect that’s build from the ground up by an artist to suit his or her needs, or – made by you to finally nail that sound in the back of your mind that’s been eluding you forever.