How much time does it take to reach Delhi to Noida?
Yes, the driving distance between Delhi to Noida is 16 km. It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Delhi to Noida.
How far is Noida from Gurgaon?
51 Kms
Distance Between Gurgaon to Noida
Distance between Gurgaon to Noida by Road is | 51 Kms |
Distance between Gurgaon to Noida by Flight is | 37 Kms |
Travel Time from Gurgaon to Noida by Road is | 1:12 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Gurgaon | Indira Gandhi (28.46, 77.03) |
Nearest Airport in Noida | Indira Gandhi (28.54, 77.39) |
How can I go to Noida by train?
Noida is not connected by rail directly. The nearest railway stations are Anand Vihar and Ghaziabad. One can board trains till either of these stations, still the best way to reach Noida by train is to take a travel New Delhi or Old Delhi Railway Station and then take a bus, metro or cab to reach Noida.
How far apart are Delhi and New Delhi?
Distance between New Delhi and Delhi The driving distance or the travel distance between New Delhi to Delhi is 18 KM and 361 meters. The mile based, road distance between these two travel point is 11.4 miles.
What is the distance between Noida?
Distance Between Noida to Greater Noida
Distance between Noida to Greater Noida by Road is | 21 Kms |
Distance between Noida to Greater Noida by Flight is | 13 Kms |
Travel Time from Noida to Greater Noida by Road is | 0:23 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Noida | Indira Gandhi (28.54, 77.39) |
Is Noida a good place to live?
In the past few years, Noida has emerged as one of the most liveable cities to live in India. With the growing IT industry and other various sectors, Noida has become one of the richest and planned cities of India with all the modern infrastructures and best in class amenities.
Is it safe to live in Noida?
Is Noida safe to live with family? Noida is a good choice if you want to live in a place which is surrounded by nature. Given that there is CCTV in most localities and all the societies have high security, Noida is a good option for families.
Is Gurgaon safer than Delhi?
According to National Crime Records Bureau, Gurugram sees lesser crimes than other cosmopolitan cities such as Delhi or Mumbai, but it’s not the amount or number of crimes happening here but their nature for which the city often gets media attention.
Which state is nearest to Delhi?
The national capital territory embraces Old and New Delhi and the surrounding metropolitan region, as well as adjacent rural areas. To the east the territory is bounded by the state of Uttar Pradesh, and to the north, west, and south it is bounded by the state of Haryana.
Are Noida and Greater Noida different cities?
The New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) and Greater Noida are two different planned cities. They are also referred to as ‘industrial townships’. They are located in Gautam Buddh Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh and are part of the National Capital Region (NCR).
What salary is good in Noida?
Noida, Delhi Jobs by Salary
Job Title | Range | Average |
Senior Software Engineer | Range:₹478k – ₹2m | Average:₹873,322 |
Software Developer | Range:₹252k – ₹1m | Average:₹452,796 |
Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer | Range:₹581k – ₹2m | Average:₹1,048,047 |
Operations Manager | Range:₹396k – ₹2m | Average:₹1,091,000 |