What kind of whale is 52?
For a blue whale, which is what this one seemed to be, a frequency of 52 hertz was basically off the charts. Blue whales usually come in somewhere between 15 and 20—on the periphery of what the human ear can hear, an almost imperceptible rumble.
How old is the loneliest whale?
Scientists have mixed reactions: One expert in the film says that 52 is “without a doubt” lonely while a discovery made near the end of the film suggests the “loneliest whale” may not, in fact, be as lonely as we think. “We used to call this creature the loneliest whale in the world,” Zeman narrates.
Is 52 blue deaf?
The research team is often contacted by deaf people who wonder whether the whale may also be deaf. Whatever biological cause underlies its unusually high frequency voice does not seem to be detrimental to its survival. The fact that the whale has survived and apparently matured indicates it is probably healthy.
What is a 52-hertz whale?
A spectrogram of the 52-hertz signal The 52-hertz whale is an individual whale of unidentified species which calls at the unusual frequency of 52 Hz. This pitch is a higher frequency than that of the other whale species with migration patterns most closely resembling the 52-hertz whale’s – the blue whale (10–39 Hz) or fin whale (20 Hz).
How many Hertz does a blue whale sing?
The blue whale sings with a frequency between 10 and 40 hertz, and the fin whale sings at 20 hertz. These are the 2 species with the most similar vocalizations, but Whalien 52 sings at 52 hertz, something never seen before.
Is 52 the loneliest whale in the world?
If anyone actually finds 52, it will probably be Josh Zeman, a filmmaker currently working on a documentary called 52: The Search for the Loneliest Whale in the World.
What is Whalien 52?
This is the case with Whalien 52, a marine creature only known through recordings of its song. This animal has never been seen, but it’s believed to be a whale, thanks to the characteristics of its very particular song.