Does Rex Execute Order 66?
When Order 66 was executed, it was Ahsoka who helped to free Rex from the programming of his inhibitor chip. At the dawn of the Empire, Rex has escaped with his life but is considered killed-in-action in the eyes of the new regime.
What did Captain Rex do after Order 66?
Rex leaves Wolffe and Gregor to join the Rebel Alliance and to fight alongside the Ghost crew and Ahsoka against the Empire. In the epilogue of the series finale “Family Reunion – and Farewell”, it is revealed that he was promoted to commander again and fought with Hera at the Battle of Endor.
Why was Rex unaffected by Order 66?
As Order 66 depicted, he realized his worst fears about the implants, which erased all clones’ free will. Its influence on his mind is unbreakable, but his attempt to resist it is a result of his awareness. Rex understood what the chips were capable of, so he fought a mental battle over his thought process.
Who removed Rex chip?
As the clones starting hunting her, Ahsoka stunned Rex unconscious and bought him to Venator’s medical bay with astromech droids. There, Ahsoka located Rex’s inhibitor chip using the Force and ordered the droids to surgically remove the chip while she defended the door.
What happens to Rex after Rebels?
At some point after the war, Rex was retired from service like all other clones and resided in an old AT-TE with fellow retirees Wolffe and Gregor, roaming the plains of Seelos. Eventually, he fought with Ahsoka again against the oppressive reign of the Galactic Empire.
What happened to Rex and Ahsoka?
After surviving Order 66 and fashioning graves for the fallen clones, which included leaving behind her lightsaber, Ahsoka parted ways with Rex, took on the name Ashla, and settled on the Outer Rim planet of Thabeska for close to a year, befriending the locals but fleeing once the Empire arrived.
Was Rex in Obi Wan?
The actor got a huge reaction at Celebration when he mentioned he loves playing Captain Rex, and he responded to the speculation he made his live-action debut as Captain Rex in Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2. He didn’t confirm that the clone veteran is Rex and simply teased he loved doing the epic cameo.
Is Rex still alive in the Mandalorian?
Post-Clone Wars, Rex joins the Rebel Alliance and remains active all throughout the Imperial era despite the prior reveal that clones have artificially accelerated lifespans. Rex has even been retconned into the events of Return of the Jedi, as it turns out he was one of Han Solo’s Rebel troops on Endor.
Which clone killed Plo Koon?
Biography. Plo Koon dies after being shot down by CT-57/11-9048 and Jag. CT-57/11-9048 was a clone trooper pilot who served in the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars.
Did Rex remove his inhibitor chip?
And since Ahsoka saw the case on Fives, she knew it was the inhibitor chip that was causing this issue with the clones. Ahsoka then took Rex to a medical room to have the implant removed.
What happened to Captain Rex after Order 66?
So we don’t know what happened to Captain Rex, my guess, he followed his orders except that Anakin was exempt from Order 66 because he was the only Jedi “unaware” of the their plot to overthrow the Chancellor. He didn’t know of the “chip” that makes them follow orders IIRC from SW: The Clone Wars.
Did the Clone Wars end with Order 66?
The Clone Wars was bound to end with Order 66, but that didn’t mean Rex needed to become a slave to his programming. Shane started at Screen Rant in late 2019.
What were Rex’s priorities during the Clone Wars?
During the Clone Wars, Rex’s priorities were first and foremost to his clone brothers, many of whom he loved deeply. He was disgusted by Clone Sergeant Slick’s betrayal of the Republic during the Battle of Christophsis, and was greatly anguished having to defend himself and shoot his own men during the execution of Order 66.
How did Rex and Ahsoka escape Order 66?
Fives’s death led him to uncover his inhibitor chip, which enabled him and his long-time friend Ahsoka to escape Order 66 during the Siege of Mandalore. After living on Seelos with fellow Clone veterans Commanders Gregor and Wolffe, Rex joined the Phoenix Cell and reunited with his old friend Tano.