How long is the free trial for SiriusXM?
3 month trial
Get every channel available on your radio, including every premium channel, plus stream online and on the app. Available only on eligible, inactive factory-equipped satellite radios. Start your free 3 month trial now!
Is SiriusXM free right now 2020?
Sirius XM Is Completely Free Right Now.
How much is SiriusXM after free trial?
How much is a SiriusXM subscription? SiriusXM basic plan for your car costs $5 per month for 140 channels for first 6 months. After that, it increases to $15.99/month.
Does SiriusXM charge after trial?
You will NOT be charged for the plan you choose… until your trial subscription is over. Be sure to have your Radio ID/ESN handy. Please see our Customer Agreement for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at (866) 635-2349.
Does Sirius have a free trial?
OFFER DETAILS: Activate your 3-month trial subscription plus get free activation. Please see our Customer Agreement and Privacy Policy at for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at 1-866-635-2349.
What happens when SiriusXM trial expires?
Call Sirius, tell them your trial is about to expire and you plan to let it lapse, and they will offer you six months for $20. Repeat every six months. I don’t feel bad about doing that, because they make the offer, and it’s what I feel is a fair price for what you get.
Does Sirius still honor lifetime subscription?
If the Lifetime Subscription you purchased is, according to Sirius XM’s records, as of June 5, 2020, no longer associated with a satellite radio that was activated to receive service from Sirius XM according to Sirius XM’s records, then you have an “inactive” Lifetime Subscription.
Is Sirius 2022 free?
SiriusXM satellite radio is free for 11 days starting Thursday, May 26, 2022.
How to activate Sirius trial?
How to activate the complimentary 12-month SiriusXM Guardian trial using the OS+ tool and from the car: On OS+ (PREFERRED METHOD) With Customer’s Consent, do the following: 1. In the OS+ delivery checklist, select Activate Services. 2. Enter the customer’s email and name, mobile number, and verify that they are 18 years or older. 3.
How to get SiriusXM free?
– SiriusXM video – Selection of music channels – Listening outside of your car
Is Sirius XM too expensive?
There is no reason that Sirius XM is expensive, because it is NOT EXPENSIVE. Because on-air talent and technical staff, studios and facilities, satellite transmissions and also advertising have to be paid for. It’s a premium service, and not part of a cheap or free entitlement. It’s paid for by subscribers, advising and investors.
Does Sirius XM have a student discount?
There are two kinds of kids in college. There’s the kind who doesn’t worry about money — and then there’s the rest of us. For the latter, SiriusXM has rolled out an excellent new $4-a-month student plan that gets you Sirius’ $13 plan for exactly $9 less.