What does SSIC mean in the Navy?
STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES (SSIC) 1. Purpose. To revise the Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Codes and the Department of the Navy File Maintenance Procedures.
What are SSIC codes?
A standard subject identification code (SSIC) is required on all DON records including, but not limited to, letters, messages, directives, forms and reports.
Why are standard subject identification codes used on military correspondence?
An SSIC is a four or five digit number that identifies the subject of a document. They are required on all Naval and Marine Corps correspondence. The use of SSICs provides a tested method for filing documents consistently and quickly. The SSIC you choose should be the one that best suits the subject of your letter.
Why does SIC mean?
“intentionally so written
In this context it means “intentionally so written.” On its own, sic means “so” or “thus” and can be found in phrases such as sic transit gloria mundi (“so passes away the glory of the world”) and sic semper tyrannis (“thus ever to tyrants,” the motto of the state of Virginia).
What does UTA mean military?
Unit Training Assembly – An authorized and scheduled period of unit training normally occurring the first weekend of each month at Air Force Reserve Command units and often referred to as a UTA..
Which part of the standard letter provides the title and address of the command or activity?
Every standard letter must have a “From” line. Generally composed of activity-head’s title and activity’s name.
What is a MUTA 4 drill?
A MUTA-4, on the other hand, is when you stay at the armory on Saturday night. The next common type of drill weekend is a MUTA-5. This is when you report to the armory on Friday night, normally around 5 pm. You conduct three to four hours of training that night and are dismissed for the evening.
What font is used in Navy correspondence?
Format. Prepare all correspondence using 13 point, Times New Roman Font with the exception of personal letters on Flag stationary. Use 12 point, Courier New Font for personal letters.
Is there a record series for the SSIC in the Navy?
NOTES: * There is no record series or if a record series exists, there is no disposition for the SSIC in SECNAV M-5210.1, Department of the Navy Records Management Program, Records Management Manual. In some cases and after examination, the primary or secondary subject SSIC may provide an acceptable records series and disposition for use.
What is the SECNAV manual for SSIC?
SECNAV Manual M-5210.2 June 2012 57 # SSIC exists, but either refers to another SSIC for disposition standard or it has been deleted, disestablished, canceled, or revoked. If it refers to another SSIC number, use that SSIC for correspondence SSIC number or disposition of the records. SECNAV Manual M-5210.2 June 2012 58
What does 4540 SSIC title mean?
SSIC Title 4540 Exchange or Sale of Nonexcess Personal Property 4550 Inventories 4551 Contractor Inventory 4552 Termination Inventory 4555 Special Classes of Property 4560 Special Bureau Instructions 4565 Foreign Areas 4570 Excess and Surplus Property 4600- 4699 GENERAL TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION
What are the SSC codes for aeronautical instrumentation?
13900 General 13950 Meteorological Instruments and Equipment (Aeronautical) 13980 Aircraft Alarm and Signal Systems(include Oxygen, Pressure Signals and Warning Devices) 13990 Combination and Miscellaneous Instruments (Aeronautical) SECNAV Manual M-5210.2 25 JULY 2008 81 CHAPTER 5 SSIC Sorted Alphabetically Title SSIC