How big does a bridal wreath spirea get?
4 to 8 feet high
Old-fashioned bridal wreath spirea is often found in older, established landscapes. This handsome open, loose shrub reaches 4 to 8 feet high and 6 to 8 feet wide. Showy, double white flowers are in clusters of three to six and bloom in mid-spring.
How do you care for a bridal spirea wreath?
Bridal wreath spirea prefers to grow in well-drained moist soil, though it is able to withstand some periods of drought. Water the plants once a week during the summer whenever rainfall is less than 1 inch.
Can you keep bridal wreath spirea small?
This early pruning allows the spirea to grow new branches and still set buds for the following year so your bridal wreath spirea glows in your landscape. After all the flowers have faded in spring, you can prune to shape your Bridal Wreath Spirea or to reduce it’s size.
Is bridal wreath spirea invasive?
Spiraea prunifolia (Bridal Wreath) is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. According to the U.S Forest Service, Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species.
Do bridal wreath spirea grow fast?
It requires soil that has good drainage and average moisture. The Bridal Wreath Spirea has average water needs. It is a fast grower and requires regular pruning. Pruning should take place after the bloom season has finished for the year.
Are you supposed to cut back spirea?
You should actually prune your spirea more than once a year, at least twice. Give it a good trim after it flowers in the spring by cutting back the tips of the stems to the top leaf bud. This removes the dead blossoms and also may trigger a second blooming and new leaf growth. You can also shape the shrub at this time.
Can bridal wreath be cut back?
Maintain the plant’s flowing shape by cutting it back immediately after blooming stops. The spring-blooming bridal wreath spirea produces buds on old wood. Therefore, avoid pruning at the end of winter, or you might destroy potential flowering branches. You can, however, remove winter-killed twigs.
Does bridal wreath spread?
The Bridal Wreath Spirea is the perfect plant to fit your ornamental needs. It has a spreading habit and flows like a fountain. Its snow-white flowers grow in clusters and cascade down its branches. It is a plant that is drought tolerant and rarely bothered by deer.
How do you winterize spirea bushes?
Japanese spirea should be tip pruned in late winter or early spring prior to bud swell and before the shrub leafs out. Also, at this time, remove any dead, damaged, or diseased stems along with those that cross each other. To keep spirea looking great and to promote blooming, trim the plant at least twice per year.
Can you cut spirea to the ground?
To control the spirea’s size and keep it blooming year after year, you should prune it back after blooming or when it’s dormant in winter. If it’s severely overgrown, cut it to the ground to rejuvenate the shrub.
Is Spiraea arguta evergreen?
This is an outstanding, tough evergreen conifer with a dense, spreading growth habit and arching branches that create a low, fountain-like form.
Does spirea need full sun?
Spireas (Spiraea species) are among the easiest flowering shrubs to grow. These attractive shrubs are fast growing and should be grown in full sun for best flowering. They can, however, tolerate partial shade. Some are spring bloomers; whereas others bloom in the summer.
Is bridal wreath spirea fast growing?
The Bridal Wreath Spirea has average water needs. It is a fast grower and requires regular pruning. Pruning should take place after the bloom season has finished for the year. Fertilizer should be slow release and applied in the spring.
Does spirea stay green all winter?
All Spireas are deciduous and lose their leaves in the winter. Most bloom between March and May in our area. Some varieties will produce a second set of flowers if the worn out blooms are pruned off.