How does a cool tube work?
The Cool Tube® MKII works based on a drop of the temperature of the compressed air delivered to the unit. Typically, underground mines compressed air temperatures in the warmer months range from 24 – 28°C, due to no exposure to direct sunlight on delivery lines.
What is a cool tube?
The use of Cool tubes allows you to place your globes much closer to your plants without any burning. This in turn increases lumen exposure, resulting in much larger yields. They are also suited for floor lighting. Growers can position them upside down with the light shining up underneath the plants.
How long do reflectors last?
The life expectancy for one surface-mount road reflector is three years, says Tony Sheppard, DOT’s director of traffic and engineering.
Do you need a reflector for LED grow lights?
With 12% or more of the light getting lost with every reflection, a lot less of that upward-directed light is getting to your plants than you think. Our LEDs only aim light downward toward your plants. There is no need for a reflector that gets dirty over time and reflects less light.
What are vortex tubes used for?
A durable, stainless steel “Vortex tube” is used to convert compressed air into cold temperatures, as low as -50 oF (- 46 oC) to spot cool as well as to air condition an enclosure. Vortex Tubes are used when other cooling tools are not able to cool an area or an enclosure to the desired temperature.
How do cooling tubes work?
Cooling tubes are long, underground metal or plastic pipes through which air is drawn. The idea is that as the air travels through the pipes, it gives up some of its heat to the surrounding soil, entering the house as cooler air.
What do the colors of reflectors mean?
White reflectors are placed along white traffic lines; yellow reflectors are placed along yellow traffic lines. Red reflectors tells drivers that they are going the wrong way up a one-way ramp or that they should not enter. Blue reflectors mark fire hydrants. Other colors are used for other purposes.
Will grow lights melt plastic?
In short, the answer is no, LEDs cannot melt plastic fixtures as they just do not get that hot, not even at the base.
Does compressing air make it cooler?
Cans of compressed air get cold while they’re discharging because of a thermodynamic principle known as the adiabatic effect. When you pressurize a gas by compressing it into a container, you’re putting all those molecules into a smaller volume of space…and you’re adding potential energy by the compression.
How does a vortex tube cooler work?
A vortex tube creates cold air and hot air by forcing compressed air through a generation chamber, which spins the air at a high rate of speed (1,000,000 rpm) into a vortex. The high speed air heats up as it spins along the inner walls of the tube toward the control valve.
What is radiant cold?
Radiant cooling cools a floor or ceiling by absorbing the heat radiated from the rest of the room. When the floor is cooled, it is often referred to as radiant floor cooling; cooling the ceiling is usually done in homes with radiant panels.
How does cold air gun work?
Cold Air Guns use vortex tube technology and filtered compressed air to produce sub-freezing air as low as -30 deg F for numerous industrial spot cooling applications. With no moving parts to wear out, Cold-Air Guns require no electricity at the target, just a compressed air source.