How do I choose Beni Kikokuryu?
A Good Beni Kikokuryu A good Beni Kiko has bright colors with defined crisp edges to each color, as well as a balanced look overall in the patterns. The skin luster/metallic sheen is also an important factor when judging this breed for quality.
What is a Kikokuryu koi?
That is, a Kikokuryu koi is a metallic, scaleless white coloured koi with black markings. It was originally created by breeding a Kumonryu koi with a Doitsu Platinum Ogon koi which is a scaleless, metallic koi with a solid white colour.
What is a Ginga koi?
So, a Ginga koi is a scaled, metallic white koi with a shifting black pattern. The word Ginga translates as ‘Milky Way’ and was chosen because the patterns and scales of the Ginga koi look like the Milky Way and the stars we can see at night.
How big does a butterfly koi fish get?
Their barbels (whiskers) even grow long and can fork into elaborate designs. Butterfly koi seem to lack some of the body size of regular koi, but the overall fish can run as long as 36 to 40 inches in the right pond with plenty of food. They are graceful and pleasant to watch swim.
What is Ogon koi?
Ogon (meaning “golden”) koi are metallic, solid, single-colored koi fish in the Hikarimuji class (Hikari – “shiny”; Muji – “one”). Ogon has become synonymous with a collective name for metallic, solid-colored koi.
What does 2 koi mean?
typically shown swimming alongside one another, two koi fish represent the duality of life and the balance of opposing life forces. These two koi fish are sometimes portrayed in the yin and yang configuration, representing the harmony between opposites.
Should a koi tattoo swim up or down?
Which way should a koi fish tattoo face? Koi Fish Tattoo Meaning Swimming Upstream: When a koi fish is swimming upstream in a tattoo, it can refer to the story of the koi and therefore means perseverance. A koi tattoo swimming upstream means you are facing challenges head-on, ready to fight.
Are butterfly koi Hardy?
Butterfly koi have about the same lifespan as traditional koi: up to 25-30 years in ideal conditions. Some koi keepers say butterfly varieties are slightly more hardy than other kinds because of their hybrid genes and close ties to wild carp.
How big do butterfly koi fish get?
Are butterfly koi more expensive?
While a butterfly koi is more valuable when it has a properly defined and positioned pattern in the color, beautiful fins can often make even a poorly patterned fish look beautiful.
Are butterfly koi rare?
They are seldom found, so the effect is rare and special when it happens. The black butterfly may be with or without scales. The rarest and most valuable of this type is the doitsu, karasu butterfly. This fish is black, has no scales, and has long fins.
Are butterfly koi hard to keep?
While traditional koi were developed in Japan in the 19th century, Butterfly Koi were hybridized only a few decades ago. These fish can grow up to 36 inches in length and are fairly easy to care for, provided you have the right equipment. Butterfly Koi can be maintained in the same fashion as traditional koi.