How warm is Fuerteventura in July?
The average temperatures are between 69°F and 75°F. As it is almost never rain during July in Fuerteventura the weather is perfect for hanging out outside and exploring all that Fuerteventura has to offer. Our weather forecast can give you a great sense of what weather to expect in Fuerteventura in July 2022.
Is Fuerteventura cloudy in July?
Sunshine and rainfall There is a 95% chance of a perfect sunny day and a 5% chance of seeing some clouds, with on average 0mm of rainfall this month.
Is Jandia windy in July?
This is the reason why each year, in July, Fuerteventura is the host for the World Windsurfing Championship, which happens in the south of the island in Jandia. Starting with September the winds tend to settle down a little, but you still get a breeze, typical for any island, no matter where it is located.
What is the weather like in Jandia?
Jandia is a superb holiday destination all-year round, making it an excellent spot for warm vacations at any time of the year. The temperatures are very warm and the sea temperatures remain warm enough so swimming can be enjoyed at any time of the year. The average daily temperature varies from 17°C to 24°C throughout the year.
What is the weather like in Fuerteventura in July?
The highest temperature ever recorded in Fuerteventura in July (at Airport station) was of 43°C and the lowest was of 16°C. As you can see, once July hits temperatures can get really crazy, so be careful while exposing your skin to the sun and always use a hat and sunglasses, to keep yourself safe from the sun.
What is the weather like in Jandia in September 2019?
The warmest day over the next 14 days weather in Jandia is forecast to be Wednesday 25th September 2019 at 81°F (27°C) and the warmest night on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at 70°F (21°C). The average temperature over the next 14 days in Jandia from this forecast is 79°F (26°C) . The average for September is 75°F (24°C).
Is Jandia a good holiday destination?
This means Jandia offers a welcome holiday destination for tourists from countries with cold, damp or cloudy winters. There is some variety in the amount of rainfall throughout the year, but generally speaking, Jandia Is a pretty dry place.