What is Tesla valve used for?
The Tesla valve is used in microfluidic applications and offers advantages such as scalability, durability, and ease of fabrication in a variety of materials. It is also used in macrofluidic applications.
Is the Tesla valve still patented?
Many of these inventions are still in use today or have heavily influenced modern technology in some way. But one of Tesla’s lesser-known patents, a macrofluidic valve, is only recently being recognized for its genius and worth. The scientist patented his “valvular conduit”, also known as a “Tesla valve”, in 1920.
How does valvular conduit work?
Tesla patented his “valvular conduit” in 1920. It is essentially a pipe with an intricate internal design that forces fluid moving in one direction to loop back on itself at various points along its length. When water flows into the mouths of the loops, it becomes turbulent and slows down, halting the flow.
Who invented the Tesla valve?
Nikola TeslaTesla valve / Inventor
Why did Tesla invent the Tesla valve?
A one-way water valve with no moving parts invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla could be adapted to pump fluids around motors using otherwise wasted energy. Tesla patented his “valvular conduit” in 1920.
What is a Tesla valve?
A Tesla Valve is like a typical valve, but with one key difference: absolutely no moving parts. It has a design that allows fluid to flow unimpeded in one direction, but in the other direction, the fluid is blocked.
What is the Tesla fluid flow device?
It allows a fluid to flow preferentially in one direction, without moving parts. The device is named after Nikola Tesla, who was awarded U.S. Patent 1,329,559 in 1920 for its invention. The patent application describes the invention as follows:
What are the characteristics of valvular conduit?
A valvular conduit having interior walls of such conformation as to permit the free passage of fluid through it in the direction of flow but to subject it to rapid reversals of direction when impelled in the opposite sense and thereby to prevent its return by friction and mass resistance. 2.
What is Tesla’s principle of direct flow?
It allows a fluid to flow preferentially in one direction, without moving parts. The device is named after Nikola Tesla, who was awarded U.S. Patent 1,329,559 in 1920 for its invention.