What is an example of speculating?
Speculate is to buy or sell land or other investments that are high risk, with the goal to make a very big profit. An example of speculate is to buy land way out in the country to build housing because you hear that a new manufacturing plant might be built close buy.
What is speculating on the stock market?
In the world of finance, speculation, or speculative trading, refers to the act of conducting a financial transaction that has substantial risk of losing value but also holds the expectation of a significant gain or other major value.
What does speculating about the future mean?
Just about anything you say about the future is speculation, because no one knows what will happen. The word is used in the stock market for such financial dealings as “buying on spec,” a risky way to make money.
What is a sentence for speculating?
I moved to the want ads, speculating on what I’d be doing with my time in the future but nothing caught my eye. You are extremely creative in more than one area and enjoy speculating. I have been idly speculating about my life as a lady of leisure.
What is the meaning to speculate?
speculate \SPEK-yuh-layt\ verb. 1 a : to meditate on or ponder a subject : reflect. b : to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively. 2 : to assume a business risk in hope of gain; especially : to buy or sell in expectation of profiting from market fluctuations.
How does trading differ from speculating?
Thus trading is all about managing risk and not about managing returns. Speculation, on the other hand, does not focus too much on managing risk but on taking on risk. The purpose behind speculation normally is discrete i.e. you either end up with 1 or with 0. Trading cannot operate with that philosophy.
What is one major difference between investing and speculating?
Investment is spread over a long time horizon, and the focus is on getting security and stable returns, whereas speculated activities are for activities for less than one year. In speculation, the objective is to make quick returns and may compromise on the objective of security.
What is a meaning of speculating?
How do you use speculate in a sentence?
It would be unfair to speculate on the reasons for her resignation. The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head. The reader can speculate what will happen next. Big farmers are moving in, in order to speculate with rising land prices.
What are the synonyms for speculate?
synonyms for speculate
- contemplate.
- figure out.
- guess.
- hypothesize.
- read.
- reflect.
- ruminate.
- surmise.
What does speculate definition?
Can I speculate on stocks?
This may be a penny stock or an emerging market stock that the trader expects to become much better known very soon. Many traders are drawn to speculative stocks due to their higher volatility relative to blue-chip stocks, which creates an opportunity to generate greater returns—albeit at greater risk.
What is the synonym of speculate?
Some common synonyms of speculate are cogitate, deliberate, reason, reflect, and think. While all these words mean “to use one’s powers of conception, judgment, or inference,” speculate implies reasoning about things theoretical or problematic.
Do you speculate on?
speculate on (something) To conjecture, hypothesize, or make guesses about something without having supporting or conclusive evidence.
What do you mean by speculate?
What is a speculative statement?
Particularly, speculative statements characterize hypotheses when linked to molecular entities (genes/proteins) and backed up by experimental evidence. Such statements are often given in hopes of stimulating further research into a topic.
What is the opposite of speculate?
Opposite of form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence. abstain. decide. dismiss. disregard.
What is the definition of speculation in economics?
Definition of speculation : an act or instance of speculating: such as : ideas or guesses about something that is not known : activity in which someone buys and sells things (such as stocks or pieces of property) in the hope of making a large profit but with the risk of a large loss : an act or instance of speculating: as
Is it useless to speculate without more information?
It’s useless to speculate without more information. Royal-watchers have once again been speculating on the health of the princess. Scientists have speculated about the possibility of parallel universes. He made his money speculating on the London gold and silver markets. The company has been speculating in property for years.
How do you use speculating in a sentence?
Scientists have speculated about the possibility of parallel universes. He made his money speculating on the London gold and silver markets. The company has been speculating in property for years. In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives.
What factors should be considered when considering speculation?
Consider whether speculation depends on the nature of the asset, expected duration of the holding period and/or amount of applied leverage.