How many calories do you burn biking 12 mph?
Generally, cycling about 12 mph comes in at 8 METs, which means a 150-pound (68-kilogram) rider may burn more than 540 calories in an hour. That’s a strong “may,” though—especially if that rider is also pretty fit on the bike.
How many calories does a 10 mph bike ride burn?
As a rough average, expect to burn about 500 to 600 calories on a 10-mile bike ride at a normal traveling speed. Don’t forget to account for variables like your body weight, exercise intensity and duration.
How many calories can you burn in an hour of study cycling?
According to Harvard University, biking at a moderate speed of 12 to 13.9 miles per hour will cause a 155-pound person to burn 298 calories in 30 minutes. At a faster rate of 14 to 15.9 miles per hour, a person of the same weight will burn 372 calories.
How many calories do you burn cycling 11 mph?
A 240-pound (108.8kg) person biking at 11mph for 30 minutes will burn 389 calories. A 120-pound (54.4kg) person will burn 194 calories in the same scenario.
How long do I need to cycle to burn 1000 calories?
If you’re cycling at a rate of 10-12mph, you can burn roughly 7 calories per minute depending on how much you weigh. If you bump up the intensity to 14-16mph, you can burn up 15 calories per minute. Based on these numbers, you’d have to maintain a pace of 14 mph for about 65-70 minutes to burn 1,000 calories.
Is 12 mph slow on a bike?
Average speed – indications Beginner, short distance (say 10-15 miles): average speed 12 mph. Most cyclists can achieve 10-12 mph average very quickly with limited training. More experienced, short-medium distance (say 20-30 miles): average 15-16 mph. Reasonable experience, medium (say 40 miles): average around 16-19 …
Is 12 mph on a mountain bike fast?
How fast does a mountain biker go? Average speed for a mountain biker ≈ 10 mph (16 kph) during singletrack riding. Uphill sections average ≈ 8 mph (13 kph) with downhill sections averaging ≈ 12 mph (19 kph).
How many miles should I cycle a day to lose weight?
Does belly fat reduce by cycling?
Does cycling burn fat? Yes. Although your stomach muscles aren’t working as hard as your quads or glutes when you’re riding, but cycling’s aerobic nature means you are burning fat.
Is 12 mph a good cycling speed?
Is 13 mph on a bike good?
Many beginning road cyclists ride at average speeds between 10 and 14 mph on the road. It’s certainly possible to sustain a higher speed, and some new riders who were already runners or some other type of endurance athlete may pedal at 15-18 mph or even higher.
How many calories does cycling burn in 30 minutes?
According to the research carried out by harvard university, a 155-pounds person cycling at a modest speed of about 12 mph – 13.9 mph burns about 297 calories within or in 30 minutes. Meanwhile, if cycling at a greater speed of 14 mph – 15.9 mph, he will burn 371 calories.
How do you calculate the metabolic equivalent of cycling 12 mph?
This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Cycling 12 mph. The MET value of Cycling 12 mph = 7.2. We multiply the MET value with the person\\’s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.
How do you calculate calories burned per minute of exercise?
Calorie burn per minute is then multiplied by the amount of time that the task is performed to find the total calories burned from the activity. Example. A person weighs 160 pounds and bicycles for leisure at a pace of 9.4 mph (a task that has a MET value of 5.8) for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Does biking burn more calories fast or slow?
Does biking faster burn more calories? Faster, more intensive biking will burn more calories per minute of activity. A 180-pound (81.6kg) person biking at 5.5mph (8.8kmh) will burn 300 calories in 1 hour of biking. The same person biking at 15mph (24kmh) will burn 952 calories in 1 hour of biking.