How many Marines are stationed at Kaneohe Bay?
Today there are almost 10,000 active duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel there, directed by Marine Aircraft Group 24 and Navy Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 2.
What is the Marine Corps base in Hawaii called?
MCAS Kaneohe Bay
MCAS Kaneohe Bay, located on the Mokapu Peninsula on the Northeastern coast of the island of Oahu, has a diverse background which includes a Hawaiian heritage filled with myths and legends, and both the Army and Navy, as well as the Marine Corps have called the peninsula home.
What Marine units are stationed in Hawaii?
The 4th Force Reconnaissance Company is the only Marine Corps Reserve unit in Hawaii.
How much is base housing in Hawaii?
Basic Housing Allowance (BAH) According to BAH starts at $2,922 for an E1 for Honolulu County (Covering all of Oahu). There are pros and cons to living on or off-base.
What do the Marines do in Hawaii?
Mission: Marine Corps Base Hawaii provides forward-based, sustainable and secure training and operational support, facilities, and services to enable Operational Forces to accomplish their mission.
What island is Kaneohe Bay on?
Oahu island, Hawaii
Kaneohe Bay, bay on the northeastern shore of Oahu island, Hawaii, U.S. A major tourist destination, it contains clear, shallow waters and vivid underwater coral formations that can be viewed from glass-bottom boats.
Can you live off base in Hawaii?
Military members who are married can either live in on base housing or receive a basic allowance for housing (BAH) to live off base. If you are single, you live on base until you reach a certain rank. To live on base, you are giving the entirety of your BAH to live in military housing.
Why is there so much military in Hawaii?
Hawaii’s central Pacific location has had a strategic military importance for more than half a century, and it is the key to explaining the large military presence. Hawaii played a major role as a base of operations during the three major wars in Asia during the twentieth century – WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
What Marine Corps unit is not allowed back in the United States?
The 4th Marine Regiment hasn’t been stationed in the continental United States since then. It is the only regiment whose lineage is rooted on the American mainland to deploy to the Pacific and never be rotated back, Marine officials said.
Do people swim in Kaneohe Bay?
With its four pristine beaches, Kaneohe Bay provides opportunities for ocean swimming, snorkeling, surfing and body boarding.
How much is on-base housing in Hawaii?
Basic Housing Allowance (BAH) According to BAH starts at $2,922 for an E1 for Honolulu County (Covering all of Oahu).
Can you live on base in Kaneohe Bay Hawaii?
Military Housing on Kaneohe Bay Hawaii Marine Corps Base Base Housing: You will most likely want to live on base even if you don’t have children. Almost all of the enlisted houses are remodeled or new and they are just now starting into Officer housing. Many of these homes have ocean views or are just blocks from the beach.
Is there a sale of homes at Marine Corps Base Hawaii?
The sale involved approximately 14,500 housing units at bases in Hawaii, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Washington, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Colorado, and was not related to any issues at Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Following the sale, the homes on Marine Corps Base Hawaii have been managed by Hunt Military Communities Management, LLC.
Where can I find housing for a marine family in Hawaii?
The Family Housing Department and Forest City Residential Management, our Public Private Venture (PPV) partner, provides housing to families of Marines and other service branches assigned to Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay and Marine Forces Pacific at Camp H. M. Smith.
What is the purpose of the Kaneohe Bay soil survey?
The purpose of this website is to provide current and former residents with accurate information regarding the soil located at the Marine Corps family housing on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay. We want to ensure that residents are informed and can review the facts firsthand.