What is the Wordle word today 318?
The Wordle answer 318 is “HAIRY.”
What is today’s Wordle 319?
The answer to Wordle today is also used to represent a common means of public transport. It’s not that every word will work out when you guess for Wordle today answer; you can utilize the hints given here to arrive at the wordle answer 319. The Wordle answer on May 4 (319) is TRAIN.
What is today’s Wordle 5 3 22?
The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle, May 3 (Wordle 318) The answer is: HAIRY.
What was Wordle 317?
The Wordle answer 317 is “STORY.” Note: If NYT decides to skip this word, then the answer will instead be “HAIRY.” While “STORY” isn’t as challenging as some previous answers, the rarer “Y” letter has the potential to derail novice players. With that said, the vowel “O” should be found relatively quickly.
What is the word May 3?
May 3 Wordle Hint (318) Hint 1 – This word is an adjective. Hint 2 – There are two vowels in the word. Hint 3 – The two vowels are in the second and third spot in the word. Hint 4 – Fuzzy and Shaggy are two synonyms of the word.
What was the Wordle on 5 3?
5/3’s Answer (May 3, 2022 – #318) The answer to the Wordle puzzle on May 3, 2022 is hairy.
What is today’s Wordle 321?
The answer to today’s Wordle 321 for May 6, 2022 is BADGE, a small piece of metal, plastic, or cloth bearing a design or words, typically worn to identify a person.
What is the Wordle 320?
Not only is the word a baseball term, but it is also the name of the world’s most famous person who loves donuts. The answer to today’s Wordle is HOMER.
What is the Wordle for 5 3?
What’s the word May 4?
The answer to Wordle on Wednesday, May 4 is “train.”
What is todays Wordle 316?
The Wordle answer 316 is “FORGO.”
What is today’s Wordle 317 answer?
The answer to today’s Wordle (Wordle 317, May 2) is STORY, which means an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
What is today’s Wordle Answer May 3?
‘Wordle’ #318 Answer for Tuesday, May 3, 2022 The answer to Wordle on Tuesday, May 3 is “Hairy.”
Whats May 6 Wordle?
‘Wordle’ #321 Answer for Friday, May 6, 2022 The answer to Wordle on Friday, May 6, is “Badge.” Wordle will refresh each and every day at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT), with another new puzzle available for puzzlers to solve.
What was the Wordle word for 5/6 22?
What is the Wordle answer 321? (May 6, 2022) The Wordle answer 321 is “BADGE.” Note: If NYT decides to skip this word, then the answer will instead be “MIDST.” “BADGE” should hopefully provide a nice break from a series of troublesome Wordle answers.
What is today’s Wordle 320 answer?
The answer to today’s Wordle is HOMER.
What is the meaning of Star Wars?
Star Wars. noun (functioning as singular) Formal name: Strategic Defense Initiative (in the US) a proposed system of artificial satellites armed with lasers to destroy enemy missiles in spaceAbbreviation: SDI. (modifier; sometimes not capitals) of, relating to, or denoting this systemStar Wars defence; star wars policy.
What was Wordle 315?
The answer to today’s Wordle is “larva.”