What does Malpais mean in English?
Definition of malpais 1 Southwest : rough country underlain by dark especially basaltic lava : badlands. 2 Southwest : basaltic lava.
What does promontory mean in literature?
Definition of promontory 1a : a high point of land or rock projecting into a body of water. b : a prominent mass of land overlooking or projecting into a lowland. 2 : a bodily prominence. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About promontory.
What is the meaning of Varas in English?
noun. heir(m) heir-at-law.
What is Malpais in Brave New World?
Malpais is a savage reservation on a Mesa in New Mexico. It is not easy to get to. After taking a plane, a guide meets them to take them on a hike through the labyrinth that leads to the pueblo town.
What does intervent mean?
To thwart; to obstruct
(obsolete) To thwart; to obstruct.
What does premonitory mean?
giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand
adjective. giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand.
How do you use promontory in a sentence?
Promontory sentence example
- The town is situated on a rocky promontory , crowned by a Byzantine fortress, and has a growing trade.
- Its castle, standing on a promontory , is of unknown age.
What is Valga?
( noun ) : knock – knee , genu valgum , leg , disability , disablement , handicap , impairment.
What is the meaning of Heritor?
one that inherits
: one that inherits : inheritor.
What is Malpais brave new world?
How does Lenina describe the Malpais reservation?
By Aldous Huxley. Lenina and Bernard are left at Malpais. Lenina is being whiny— she doesn’t like it here, and she doesn’t like their Indian guide (mostly because he doesn’t smell good). The guide leads them, amid the sound of beating drums, to the bottom of a three-hundred-foot precipice.
What are some of the things Lenina finds disgusting in Malpais are?
Lenina sees the buildings of Malpais from a distance and condemns it as queer, along with the Indian guide who is taking them to the pueblo, or town. She complains about having to walk, and about how he smells. She is disgusted and incredulous when she sees the garbage and the flies where people are living.
What is the synonym of intervene?
Some common synonyms of intervene are intercede, interfere, interpose, and mediate. While all these words mean “to come or go between,” intervene may imply an occurring in space or time between two things or a stepping in to stop a conflict.
What is another word for walk in?
What is another word for walk in?
enter | infiltrate |
walk in on | push in |
trespass | force one’s way in |
slip into | break into |
access | crash |
What does stepped out mean?
intransitive verb. 1 : to go away from a place usually for a short distance and for a short time. 2 : to go or march at a vigorous or increased pace.
What does Illiberality mean?
stubborn or intolerant adherence to one’s opinions or prejudices.
What is Malpais?
Malpaís, in the Southwestern United States, Spain, Mexico, and other Spanish-speaking regions, are rough and barren landscapes that consist of relict and largely uneroded lava fields exhibiting recognizable lava flows, volcanic cones, and other volcanic landforms. This type of volcanic landscape is extremely rough and difficult to traverse.
What is the difference between Badlands and Malpais?
Although a malpaís is often another word for the badlands that form by erosion of sedimentary rocks in the same environment, a malpaís is often associated with such types of lava plain terrain as found in a volcanic field. The geology of malpaís terrain is bare to thin layers of soil over lava with sparse vegetation.
What happened to the Malpais man?
Upon the wholesome Malpais country had fallen the bitterness of a sheep and cattle feud. After a couple of hours of play the Malpais man cashed in and went back to the hotel where he was putting up.