How do you enter cheat codes in Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars?
Cheat Codes for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars To enter cheat codes, pause the game and go to the Options menu, then select Enter Code.
What is the secret code for Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars?
fuw4c2 – Unlocks Greedo (Classic). kfdbxf – Unlocks Han Solo (Classic). g65kjj – Unlocks Heavy Super Battle Droid. wxutwy – Unlocks Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper.
How do you unlock all the characters in Star Wars the Clone Wars lightsaber duels?
Perform the actions listed below for the desired unlockable:
- Count Dooku – Clear Campaign.
- EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid – Clear Campaign.
- General Grievous – Clear Campaign.
- Kit Fisto – Complete 9 Challenges.
- Mace Windu – Complete 18 Challenges.
- Plo Koon – Complete 27 Challenges.
- Ahsoka Tano for Challenge – Clear Campaign.
How do you unlock General Grievous in Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars?
To unlock General Grievous, you will need to clear his boss fight and buy him from the Holoprojector.
How do you unlock Boba Fett in Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars?
Completing Copa-Khetanna Mission To Unlock Boba Fett Once you get to Episode VI, you will have to complete the mission Copa-Khetanna to unlock him. This is the second mission in The Return of the Jedi episode, and it requires you to complete a series of tasks and boss fights.
Does Lego Star Wars have cheats?
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga features more than 20 cheat codes that can be redeemed to unlock unique characters, ships, features, stud multiplies, and even more.
How do you get General Grievous with lightsabers?
To unlock General Grievous in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga and add him to your fine collection of characters, you will need to start with the Prequel Trilogy (Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith).
How do you unlock c3po in Lego Star Wars?
A Protocol Droid in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga can be unlocked in the following ways:
- Upon finishing The Boonta Eve Classic in Episode I – The Phantom Menace – unlocks C-3PO (Episode 1)
- Upon finishing Boarding Party in Episode IV: A New Hope – unlocks C-3PO.
What’s the most famous cheat code?
Arguably the most famous cheat code in history is The Konami Code. Its notoriety stems from the fact that the Japanese publisher placed this code into more than 100 of its games.