How do I find the DBA directory?
List all the directories for which you have the privileges. SELECT * FROM dba_directories a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM all_tab_privs WHERE table_name = a. directory_name AND grantee = USER);
What is Oracle database directory?
A DIRECTORY object specifies a logical alias name for a physical directory on the database server file system under which the file to be accessed is located. You can access a file in the server file system only if you have the required access privilege on the DIRECTORY object.
How do I find the default directory in Oracle?
The default directory is DATA_PUMP_DIR , which is presumably set to /u01/app/oracle/admin/mydatabase/dpdump on your system.
What is directory in SQL?
A directory object specifies an alias for a directory on the server file system where external binary file LOBs ( BFILE s) and external table data are located.
What is Odsee?
Oracle DSEE ODSEE provides a core directory service with embedded database, directory proxy, Active Directory (AD) synchronization and a Web administration console.
What is database directory?
A directory database contains user accounts and security information for the domain. This directory database is known as the directory and is the database portion of Active Directory, which is the Windows 2000 Directory Service.
What is the default ORACLE_HOME?
If ORACLE_BASE has not been specified, the default is the $ORACLE_HOME/oradata directory. If the parent directory of the Oracle home is writable, then these directories would be created in the parent directory of the Oracle home.
How do I create a directory in Oracle?
Oracle create directory command The Oracle docs note the syntax for the Oracle create directory statement as follows: CREATE [OR REPLACE] DIRECTORY directory_name AS ‘path_name’; where: directory_name.
What is oud Oracle?
Oracle Unified Directory is a next-generation unified directory solution that integrates storage, synchronization, and proxy functionality to help you manage the critical identity information that drives your business applications. These capabilities enable you to meet the evolving needs of an enterprise architecture.
What is Oracle Directory Services Plus?
Oracle Directory Services Plus provides identity virtualization, storage, and synchronization services for high-performance enterprise and carrier-grade environments.
How do you list a database?
The most common way to get a list of the MySQL databases is by using the mysql client to connect to the MySQL server and run the SHOW DATABASES command. If you haven’t set a password for your MySQL user you can omit the -p switch.
What is the difference between a database and a directory?
Or, in more general terms, when someone refers to a database is usually referencing SQL or Oracle. But when someone refers to a directory is usually referencing a hierarchy like Active Directory or a type of File System (NTFS for example).
How do I change the home directory in Oracle?
Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on the OpenPages application servers
- Right-click My Computer > Properties.
- Click Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.
- Click New in the System Variables panel.
- Add the ORACLE_HOME variable to the New System Variable box, then click OK.
How do I find Oracle home directory?
Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced.
How to create directory in Oracle?
Open the Amazon RDS console at
How to list all database names in Oracle?
– One row represents one view in a database – Scope of rows: (A) all views accessible to the current user in Oracle database, (B) all views in Oracle database – Ordered by schema name, view name
How to list users in the Oracle Database?
select username, account_status from DBA_USERS Columns. username – name of the user; account_status – account status: OPEN; EXPIRED; EXPIRED(GRACE) LOCKED(TIMED) LOCKED; EXPIRED & LOCKED(TIMED) EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED(TIMED) EXPIRED & LOCKED; EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED; Rows. One row represents one user; Sample results. You can see users list on our test server.