Is Infectability a word?
Infectability definition The ability to infect or be infected.
What does Infectibility mean?
: capable of being infected.
What does invasiveness mean?
1 : tending to spread especially : tending to invade healthy tissue invasive cancer cells. 2 : involving entry into the living body (as by incision or by insertion of an instrument) invasive diagnostic techniques. Other Words from invasive. invasiveness noun.
What does communicability mean?
: capable of being transmitted from person to person, animal to animal, animal to human, or human to animal : transmissible. Other Words from communicable. communicability \ -ˌmyü-ni-kə-ˈbil-ət-ē \ noun, plural communicabilities.
What is invasiveness called?
Invasiveness is the propensity of an introduced species to invade a recipient ecosystem, with its expected determinants including introduction history, species traits and ecological and evolutionary processes (van Kleunen et al., 2010).
Is invasively a word?
1. characterized by or involving invasion; offensive. 2. invading, or tending to invade; intrusive.
Is mode of transmission by kissing?
Only certain STDs, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are transmittable through kissing. Two common ones are herpes simplex virus (HSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Kissing can be one of the most exciting parts of a relationship. But you may also feel wary of kissing if you’re with someone for the first time.
Is communicability a word?
Communicability definition The quality of being communicable.
Is Affectious a word?
MEANING: adjective: Affectionate or cordial.
Is Invasivity a word?
Invasivity definition (countable) The degree to which something is invasive. (uncountable) The condition of being invasive.
What is an intrusive person?
Intrusive definition A person who constantly comes over to your house uninvited and offers unsolicited life advice is an example of a person who would be described as intrusive. adjective. 1. 1. Tending or apt to intrude; doing that which is not welcome; interrupting or disturbing; entering without right or welcome.
What does non invasively mean?
Listen to pronunciation. (NON-in-VAY-siv) In medicine, it describes a procedure that does not require inserting an instrument through the skin or into a body opening. In cancer, it describes disease that has not spread outside the tissue in which it began.