What is the dictionary definition of ramshackle?
ramshackle. / (ˈræmˌʃækəl) / adjective. (esp of buildings) badly constructed or maintained; rickety, shaky, or derelict.
How do you use the word ramshackle?
Ramshackle in a Sentence ?
- I will be surprised if your ramshackle car can make it out of the driveway.
- To build new subdivisions, the city is tearing down all of the ramshackle houses that were abandoned after the hurricane.
- The ramshackle table collapsed during our Thanksgiving meal.
Is Ramshackle a negative word?
Ramshackle comes from ransackle, an old 19th century term for “ransack.” Although ramshackle is usually intended as a negative term, that’s not always the case. Sometimes it can imply a certain cute picturesque quality. Buildings, places, and even some objects such as cars can be considered ramshackle.
What is a ramshackle wall?
The Ramshackle Wall is a wallpaper item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The Ramshackle Wall can be obtained from Saharah for 3,000 Bells or 5 Saharah Tickets. Saharah can also sell this item at her Co-Op on Harv’s Island for 3,600 Bells.
What is a ramshackle old bus?
In disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained; lacking upkeep, usually of buildings or vehicles. quotations ▼ They stayed in a ramshackle cabin on the beach. He entered the ramshackle bus, and was driven a long distance through very sandy streets to the hotel on the St. Lawrence.
What part of speech is ramshackle?
As detailed above, ‘ramshackle’ is an adjective.
Where did the term ramshackle come from?
The word is an alteration of ransackled, an obsolete form of the verb ransack, meaning “to search through or plunder.” (Ransack comes from Old Norse words meaning “house” and “seek.”) A home that has been ransacked has had its contents thrown into disarray, and that image may be what inspired people to start using …
Is it more nimble or nimbler?
The comparative form of nimble; more nimble.
What is gormless?
Definition of gormless chiefly British. : lacking intelligence : stupid.
What is being nimble?
1 : quick and light in motion : agile a nimble dancer. 2 : quick in understanding and learning : clever a nimble mind. Other Words from nimble. nimbleness noun. nimbly \ -blē \ adverb Then the vendors had to dodge nimbly to avoid being trampled under the heavy hooves … —
What numpty means?
a foolish or stupid person
The Oxford English Dictionary has launched a search to find the first recorded use in English of the word ‘numpty’, which means a foolish or stupid person. Since the mid-1980s, numpty has been used as a mild term of abuse in Britain.
What is nimble mind?
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a nimble mind/brain/witan ability to think quickly or understand things easily → nimble.
What is an Ultracrepidarian?
An ultracrepidarian is someone who is in the habit of giving advice on matters he himself knows nothing about — like a politician! This Latin word literally means ‘beyond the shoe’.
What is the root word of ramshackle?
ram·shack·le. (răm′shăk′əl) adj. So poorly constructed or kept up that disintegration is likely; rickety: a ramshackle cabin in the woods. [Back-formation from obsolete ranshackled, ramshackle, alteration of ransackled, past participle of ransackle, to ransack, frequentative of Middle English ransaken, to pillage; see ransack .]
What is a Ramshackled cabin?
ram·shack·le (răm′shăk′əl) adj. So poorly constructed or kept up that disintegration is likely; rickety: a ramshackle cabin in the woods. [Back-formation from obsolete ranshackled, ramshackle, alteration of ransackled, past participle of ransackle, to ransack, frequentative of Middle English ransaken, to pillage; see ransack.]
What is the meaning of ramshackleaffair?
View in context It was a ramshackleaffair, dragged along by a knock-kneed, broken-winded somnambulist, which his owner, in a moment of enthusiasm, during conversation, referred to as a horse. View in context From the beginning there had been an ancient and ramshacklecabin.
What is a ramshackle shed?
uk /ˈræmˌʃæk. əl/ us /ˈræmˌʃæk. əl/. › disapproving badly or untidily made and likely to break or fall down easily: There’s a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden.