What is the Essential Trinity?
The Essential Trinity is naturally divided into the two parts detailed within its subtitle: (1) New Testament foundations and (2) practical relevance. The initial part comprises the majority of the book and each chapter takes on a specific New Testament subcorpus.
What is the practical relevance of Trinity?
It teaches us to approach God in humility, as adopted children who are ‘at table’ with him purely by his grace. The doctrine of the Trinity also teaches us the true meaning of love, because it shows us the sacrificial nature of God at work.
What is the Trinity summary?
Trinity, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central Christian affirmations about God.
What are the 3 Trinity?
A Trinity doctrine is commonly expressed as the statement that the one God exists as or in three equally divine “Persons”, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
What is economy Trinity?
Economic Trinity refers to the relationship of the triune God to the world in salvation history with respect to creation, atonement, and perfection, as already formulated by Irenaeus of Lyon and Tertullian.
What is ontological subordination?
Ontological Subordination: The Son is subordinate to the Father in that the Son has an essence which is inferior to the Father’s.
What does Trinity means in the Bible?
Definition of Trinity 1 : the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma. 2 not capitalized : a group of three closely related persons or things.
What does the name Trinity mean?
Definition of Trinity 1 : the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma. 2 not capitalized : a group of three closely related persons or things. 3 or Trinity Sunday : the Sunday after Whitsunday observed as a feast in honor of the Trinity.
What is another word for Trinity?
What is another word for trinity?
threesome | triad |
trio | triple |
triplet | triumvirate |
trilogy | trifecta |
trine | triune |
What is the ontology of the Trinity?
That is, the ontological Trinity is “to understand God himself without regard to God’s relationship with man,”3 and to understand the Trinity as describing “the immanent ontic structure of the being of God.”4 Hence, the terms the ‘ontological Trinity,’ the ‘eternal Trinity,’ the ‘essential Trinity,’ or the ‘immanent …
What is Karl Rahner’s rule about the Trinity?
Rahner was emphatic that the identity between “economic” Trinity and “immanent” Trinity does not lead to Modalism, because God could not communicate Himself to humanity as threefold (dreifaltige) unless He were threefold in reality.
Is Jesus a subordinate?
Although others interpret the New Testament differently, John 14:28 (“the Father is greater than I”) and similar texts presents Christ as subordinate.
How is the Trinity monotheistic?
With the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each established as equally and eternally divine, the doctrine of the Trinity asserts that these three are one God. The God who creates is the same God who saves in Jesus Christ and also the same God who will bring this world to fullness in the Holy Spirit.
What does Trinity mean in the Bible?
Why is it called Trinity?
The English word “Trinity” comes from Latin “Trinitas”, meaning “the number three”. This abstract noun is formed from the adjective trinus (three each, threefold, triple), as the word unitas is the abstract noun formed from unus (one).
Who defined the Trinity?
The first defense of the doctrine of the Trinity was by Tertullian, who was born around 150–160 AD, explicitly “defined” the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and defended his theology against Praxeas, although he noted that the majority of the believers in his day found issue with his doctrine.
What does name trinity mean?
Trinity is a given name of English origin that is derived from the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, or one God in three persons.