How accurate is Plasti gauge?
Well, Plastigauge will get you in the ballpark but isn’t as precise as using “proper” measuring tools. On paper, a . 0002 to . 0004-inch difference doesn’t sound like much, but that is a 9- to 18-percent difference in accuracy.
How many Plastigage sizes are there?
Plastigauge is now available in seven sizes between 0.018mm and 3mm to suit a broad range of applications.
What is plastic gauge?
Plastigauge is a measuring tool used for measuring plain bearing clearances, such as in engines. Other uses include marine drive shaft bearings, turbine housing bearings, pump and pressure system bearings, shaft end-float, flatness and clearance in pipe-flanges and cylinder heads.
How do you measure rod bearing clearance?
Measuring the inside diameter of a main or rod bearing will require a dial bore gauge. The best ones to use are accurate down to 0.0001-inch. With these two tools you can quickly determine the clearances in any engine. Measuring bearing clearance is only valuable if the numbers are accurate so use quality tools.
What does Plastigage measure?
Plastigauge provides a simple and effective method for the measurement of clearance (separation) between fitted or hidden surfaces. It is particularly useful for measuring clearances in split bearings, or in situations where a feeler gauge cannot be inserted.
What is Plastigage made of?
PLASTIGAUGE is comprised of a rod or thread of a compliant plastic material of accurately determined cross-section – either circular or square. The surfaces between which measurement is to be made are first separated, PLASTIGAUGE is inserted (see fig. 2) and the surfaces are returned to their standard position.
How do you measure main bearings?
What is standard bearing clearance?
Bearing internal clearance (fig. 1) is defined as the total distance through which one bearing ring can be moved relative to the other in the radial direction (radial internal clearance) or in the axial direction (axial internal clearance).
What is a Plastigauge gauge used for?
Plastigauge ® Precision Clearance Gauges. Plastigauge ® is a precision clearance gauge for the measurement of clearance (separation) between fitted surfaces. It is particularly useful for measuring clearances in split bearings or in situations where a feeler gauge cannot be inserted.
How do you use Plastigauge to measure clearance?
It is particularly useful for measuring clearances in split bearings or in situations where a feeler gauge cannot be inserted. Perhaps the most widely used application of Plastigauge is in the measurement of clearance in plain automotive bearings. Shaft end-float lends itself to direct measurement by Plastigauge.
What is pl-a used for?
PLASTIGAUGE PL-A is widely used in the measurement of clearance in plain automotive bearings. Measurement of clearance in big-end bearings can be achieved without dismantling the crankshaft.
Why buy genuine&original Plastigauge ® products?
Buy genuine & original Plastigauge ® products direct from the UK based manufacturer Plastigauge ® can be used wherever it is required to determine the separation between hidden surfaces. Plastigauge ® The easy way to measure bearing clearances Why use Plastigauge? Plastigauge ® was designed and developed in the U.K. during the 1950s.