What receivers work with Invisible Fence?
The Perimeter Technologies Computer Receiver Collar is designed to replace your Invisible Fence brand R21 collar or add a new pet to your existing Invisible Fence system for a fraction of the cost. The Perimeter Computer Receiver Collar will work with your existing Invisible Fence brand 7K or 10K dog fence system.
How do I connect my petsafe collar to my receiver?
Place the receiver collar on your pet’s neck or simply hold the collar near enough for your pet to hear the beeping of the collar during training. Put a separate non-metallic collar on your pet’s neck ABOVE the receiver collar and attach a lead. Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the contact points.
Will premier pet collar work with Guardian?
The Premier Pet® Wireless Add-A-Dog collar allows you to expand your current Premier Pet® Wireless Fence (GIF00-16917 or GIF00-16347) or the Guardian Wireless Fence to contain an unlimited number of dogs, or can be used as a replacement or extra receiver collar.
Will any collar work Invisible Fence?
Will Invisible Fence work on any pet? Yes! Dogs and cats of all sizes, breeds, ages, and temperaments have successfully been trained on Invisible Fence. Our featherweight MicroLite® Computer Collar® Receiver is the smallest and most advanced collar available.
What collars work with Petstop?
This Pet Stop receiver is compatible with most brands – PetSafeâ, Invisible Fenceâ, Dog Watchâ and Dog Guardâ. Our Elite SW collar weights just 1.3 oz. and has a patented correction scheme that adapts to your pets specific behavior. The Elite SW can be programmed to work with some Pet Containment transmitters.
Does an Invisible Fence have to make a complete loop?
The answer is no, an electric fence DOES NOT have to make a complete loop. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to completing the fence loop. Creating a continuous loop will increase voltage on the fence line, because power is pushed in both directions.
How do I increase the intensity of my Invisible Fence?
How to Change the Strength of an Invisible Fence
- Push the button on the receiver. A light on the receiver will flash.
- Adjust the distance from the boundary wire to trigger a warning alarm. Most transmitter boxes have a knob or lever to use to change the distance.
- Change the metal prongs on the receiver.
What frequency does extreme dog fence use?
Radio Frequency Programming This programming option allows the user to switch the operating frequency from 7KHz to 4KHz in the unlikely case of signal interference from sources such as neighboring pet fencing systems.