What is fall off test?
1. n. [Well Testing] The measurement and analysis of pressure data taken after an injection well is shut in. These data are often the easiest transient well-test data to obtain.
What is pressure fall off test?
Pressure fall-off testing consists of shutting in an injection well and measuring the surface pressure or preferably the bottom-hole pressure vs time. This test is the counterpart of a pressure buildup test in a production well. The analyses of the pressure-time data in both tests, therefore, are remarkably similar.
What is injectivity test?
Injectivity test means a well test in which CO2 is pumped into the well and the pressure response in the well is recorded. Injectivity testing is used to determine the transmissivity of the formation, the skin factor, and to identify faults and fractures near the wellbore.
What is isochronal well test?
The isochronal test is a series of single-point tests developed to estimate stabilized deliverability characteristics without actually flowing the well for the time required to achieve stabilized conditions at each different rate.
What is a step rate test in oilfield?
1. n. [Well Completions] A test performed in preparation for a hydraulic fracturing treatment in which an injection fluid is injected for a defined period in a series of increasing pump rates.
What is reduced pressure fall off?
Reduced Pressure Fall-off is the difference between the static pressure and the residual or flowing pressure downstream of the regulator. Fall-off is an inherent characteristic of all direct acting regulators and is an important factor when selecting the proper valve size and type.
How do you calculate injectivity?
The injectivity index is a measure of the well fluid take at a given WHP or reservoir pressure. It is normally measured in tonne/h/bar or kg/s/kPa or kg/s/bar (Grant and Bixley, 2011)….6.3. 3 Injectivity index.
Injectivity (tonne/h/bar) | Description of production capacity |
10–20 | Small producer |
>50 | Good producer |
What is well injectivity?
[′wel ‚in·jek′tiv·əd·ē] (petroleum engineering) The ability of an injection well (water or gas) to receive injected fluid; can be negatively influenced by formation plugging, borehole scale, or liquid blocking around the lower end of the borehole.
What is the modified isochronal test?
The objective of the modified isochronal test is to obtain the same data as in an isochronal test without using the sometimes lengthy shut-in periods required to reach the average reservoir pressure in the drainage area of the well.
What is step down testing?
This type of analysis is performed prior to a main frac job. It is used to quantify perforation and near-wellbore pressure losses (caused by tortuosity) of frac’d wells, and as a result, provides information pertinent to the design and execution of the main frac treatments.
What is a step rate test?
Step Rate Test (SRT) is commonly used to estimate formation parting (or fracture opening) pressure for stimulated wells. SRTs may also focus on changes of well performance at different rates / pressures that is of special interest for stress-sensitive reservoirs such as fractured carbonates.
Does PRV reduce flow?
PRVs are effectively multi-functional – by lowering outlet pressure and flow rate, they also help reduce excessive water consumption and plumbing noise.
What is injectivity test in oil and gas?
1. n. [Production Testing] A procedure conducted to establish the rate and pressure at which fluids can be pumped into the treatment target without fracturing the formation.
What is flow after flow?
In a flow-after-flow test, a well flows under a constant rate until it reaches stabilized conditions (pseudosteady state). After the stabilized rate and pressure are recorded, the rate is changed and the well flows until pressure stabilizes again. The same procedure is repeated three or four times.
How is the 3 minute step test scored?
The athlete immediately stops on completion of the test and sits down and remains still. Starting within 5 seconds, the tester is to count the participant’s heart rate (ideally with a stethoscope) for one complete minute. scoring: The total one-minute post-exercise heart rate is the participant’s score for the test.