What is Hesselbach triangle?
The Hesselbach triangle, also called the inguinal triangle, is a region of the lower, anterior abdominal wall, or groin, that was first described by Frank Hesselbach, a German surgeon and anatomist, in 1806. It describes a potential area of weakness in the abdominal wall, through which a hernia can protrude.
What are the borders of the Hesselbach triangle?
The superolateral border of the Hesselbach triangle is the inferior epigastric vessels. The inguinal ligament constitutes the inferolateral side. The lateral edge of the rectus sheath is the medial side.
What forms inguinal triangle?
The inguinal triangle (Hesselbach’s triangle) is a region of the deep part of anterior abdominal wall and defined by the following structures: Medial border: Lateral margin of the rectus sheath, also called linea semilunaris. Superolateral border: Inferior epigastric vessels.
In which inguinal fossa is the Hesselbach triangle?
In human anatomy, the inguinal triangle is a region of the abdominal wall. It is also known by the eponym Hesselbach’s triangle, after Franz Kaspar Hesselbach. Internal (from posterior to anterior) view of left> inguinal area of the male pelvis.
What are the components of the Hesselbach triangle quizlet?
What is Hesselbach’s triangle? Triangle formed by the deep epigastric vessels laterally, the inguinal ligament inferiorly, and the rectus abdominis muscles medially.
How can you tell the difference between a direct and indirect hernia?
If you’re a man and your doctor finds that the hernia has extended into your scrotum, the diagnosis is usually an indirect hernia. A direct hernia doesn’t follow that path through the inguinal ring into the scrotum. That means a hernia that forms one side of the groin or the other is most likely a direct hernia.
What is ring occlusion test?
internal ring occlusion test will block the indirect inguinal sac. which comes out through the internal ring using the thumb. Using deep ring occlusion test as clinical test to. differentiate between the direct and indirect inguinal hernias. 89 cases were indirect and 163 cases were direct hernia.
What are the tissue layers of the abdominal wall from outer to inner?
The abdominal wall can be divided into two sections: anterolateral and posterior abdominal walls. This complex structure consists of numerous layers, from superficial to deep: skin, superficial fascia, muscles and their respective fasciae, and peritoneum.
What is the largest parenchymal organ in the abdominal cavity?
The liver
The liver (hepar) is the largest parenchymal organ in the abdominal cavity. It lies largely in the right hypochondrium, under the right dome of the diaphragm.
What type of hernia is most common in males?
In an inguinal hernia, fatty tissue or a part of the intestine pokes into the groin at the top of the inner thigh. This is the most common type of hernia, and affects men more often than women.
Is Richter’s hernia reducible?
reducible hernia one that can be returned by manipulation. Richter’s hernia incarcerated or strangulated hernia in which only a portion of the circumference of the bowel wall is involved.
What is the femoral triangle and what is its clinical significance?
The femoral triangle is a hollow region located in the supero-medial part of the anterior thigh. It appears most prominently with hip flexion, abduction and internal rotation. It is an easily accessible area through which multiple neurovascular structures pass through.
Where is the femoral triangle located?
The femoral triangle in the anterior superior third of the thigh is a sub-fascial space that appears as a triangular depression inferior to the inguinal ligament; the depression is visible when the thigh is abducted, flexed, and laterally rotated.
How do you know if your inguinal ring is deep?
The relation of the femoral artery to the deep inguinal ring was confirmed by palpation through the deep ring during surgery. The femoral artery was consistently identified midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic symphysis (mid-inguinal point).
How can you tell the difference between an inguinal and femoral hernia?
The femoral canal lies just below the inguinal ligament and lateral to the pubic tubercle. Consequently, a femoral hernia will pass below and lateral to the pubic tubercle, whereas an inguinal hernia will be seen above and medial to it.